View Full Version : Expected Return on Bankroll

19th August 2005, 02:05
I'm new to betting.

Was hoping people could advise as to what level of return can be expected if I were to employ the systems available on this site, whilst following the recomended staking plans. I'd be ccompounding any winnings into my roll, so if I can get an estimated monthly return it will help me out.

19th August 2005, 10:47
You will probably get a wide variation in answers. Lots of factors to take into account.

When you start the system - you might get lucky and hit them on a 'golden' patch or you may have the misfortune to hit a bad patch. Overall they balance each other out and provide a profit over time.

Which system(s) you adopt and whether you adopt a conservative or aggressive staking plan - again, this is a matter of personal preference.

And of course, discipline! It takes quite a bit of self control to stick to the 'rules' exactly without deviation - but this is the only way to ensure long term profits.

You can find Tophatter's pro-loser diary in another section - the figures are there for everyone to see. And Tophatter lists the bad times as well as the good times, so you can judge for yourself.

The site owner does not promise millions - just a long term profit which he delivers. He also points out the dangers - people have 'busted' banks, it happens, but have then started again and reaped the rewards.

The one recurring theme you will find on the site is the warning to bet responsibly - consider any money you invest as 'money spent'. Do not use money you cannot afford to lose!

19th August 2005, 12:18
An actual figure as an expected monthly return is tricky Mike. Systems have good spells and bad spells so I would take a longer term view than monthly return, looking at least at annual return.

The use of monthly returns concerns me. It strikes me, and I may be very wrong here, that you are considering using gambling as a substitute for another regular income, in which case I would say you are not ready for it. If I am wrong about that then I apologise.

I believe the most meaningful measures here are ROI (return on investment) and turnover. The pro losers - as show in Tophatter's diary - have quite a low ROI, typically less than 1% but a huge turnover allowing the system to generate a great profit level. However, this profit is spread out over time and though the system may generate profits of, for example, £6000 a year it is not £500 each and every month. We tend to get a couple of excellent months, a couple of real killers and the remainder are breakeven or small loss/gain months. So your monthly profits could take massive swings.

Other systems have higher ROIs but lower turnovers and monthly profits can depend on the racing season as form settles down or the weather plays havoc with known form.

As Oldham says, any system you choose to follow is an investment. And each system is a separate purchase. If you choose to follow the pro losers you would 'buy' the chance to follow them for £200 which is your starting bankroll. That £200 is spent on the pro losers and is not to be used for anything else, be it selections from another system or a packet of fags. You then follow the rules for the system and see how the bank goes. You may bust it due to an unlucky barren spell but start again and see that bank increase by 500% in the next few months so your earlier bust is forgotten about.

You need to find a system that suits you and one that you are happy with. You need to understand good staking principles too, but members here can help you with all that if you are willing to learn.

Sounds ominous at times but what you are basically considering here is an investment fund that you manage yourself, so you need to know what you are doing.

19th August 2005, 13:42
Hi Mike, have a look at the results section on the home page of the website. It shows how much profit you would make to a £10 stake... all of which are in profit!

22nd August 2005, 03:09
Thanks for the info.

Mathare, thanks for the advice. Just to give a little perspective, I have a job as well, but am going to be saving as much as I can for the next 10months to travel. So I'm trying to assess whether it's worthwhile me using the money I save with the systems here. It's obviously going to take me time each day to follow the system, so am trying to work out if it's worth my time considering what I would imagine is a fairly small bankroll compared to many here.