View Full Version : "Something New" 19th Aug.

19th August 2005, 09:29
This little system is coming along nicely. :) Figures after 10 days :-

Level Stake Profit b/f = + 37 1/2 Points.
3% Running Bank b/f = £489

:wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

2.00...San...Shermeen (3/75)...WON @ 6/1... :)
3.45...San...Punta Galera(3/83)...Non-Runner...:(
4.05...Chs...Flying Key(2/73)...WON @ 11/2...:)
4.30...Ayr...Sir Nod(2/72)...Non-Runner... :(
4.50...San...Sonny Santino(2/90)...Lost(2nd)... ;fire
5.35...Sal...The Gaikwar(2/67)...Lost(2nd)... ;fire
8.05...Sal...Screwdriver(3/86)...NAP...Lost... ;fire
8.25...Wol...Almaty Express(2/64)...WON @ 7/2... :)

Level Stake Profit (After 11 days) = + 49 1/2 Pts. :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:
3% Running Bank (After 11 Days- £200 start) = £676 :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

The results of this test have gone way beyond anything I could hope for after only 11 days (7 winning days) It is still under test and the question now is if I go for it will it finish up A*** over T** ?

Nope, still too early I think. If it really is this good then it can wait a bit yet. All good things come to those who wait.

.....Be Lucky!!!

20th August 2005, 10:22
Doing a nice job with these Tov - what I do in these situations (going well but not really enough to judge) is to put aside a small bank to play with - if it goes, so be it but it also means that you don't miss out on a few nice ones whilst just testing.

20th August 2005, 11:45
Doing a nice job with these Tov - what I do in these situations (going well but not really enough to judge) is to put aside a small bank to play with - if it goes, so be it but it also means that you don't miss out on a few nice ones whilst just testing.

O.K. here goes. Just hope I don't jinx what looks to be a promising idea. :)