View Full Version : "Something New"

23rd August 2005, 22:21

After only 14 days the "Something New" system ( Horse Racing System Qualifiers) seems to be going berserk and although it is still under test, I am sorely tempted to get stuck in. I know 14 days is not nearly long enough on which to base an opinion but the thought of missing out on the profits so far is testing my patience to extremes and I would like some advice from the "Statistical Experts" out there.

Here are the stats as far as I can tell.

Over the last 14 days there have been 68 selections, of which 22 have won and 46 have lost which I reckon is a 32% strike rate. Yes?

I started testing (on paper) with a bank of £200 (at 3%) and that has now reached £707. Yes? An increase of 353%. (I think)

The level stake profit is now 51 1/2 Points.

The Return on Investment (R.O.I.) I think is £1.76p for each £1 invested.

The longest winning run is 3
The longest losing run is 11 (once) - 7 (once) - 5 (twice)

This may only be a temporary "Purple Patch" and I know they can go A*** over T** at anytime but what I would like to know is this :-

If I took the plunge, what would be the best way to minimise any losses (bearing in mind the possibility of long losing runs)while at the same time making a decent profit?

I know there are many smarter brains than mine out there. Maybe Mathare, Glos, Keith, Big C, or Vegy could help. ( :yikes: Did I say that???)

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanking you in advance.

Tovarich (.....Be Lucky!!!)

24th August 2005, 18:37
If you can afford it, why not start with a £100 bank with a 2% stake. If it all goes wrong, you can write off the bank and look to see where it went wrong.

As you are using percentages, there shouldn't be too much danger with the losing sequences but you must be prepared to lose the original bank. I would suggest calculating daily.

The growth may be slower but the protection is there.

24th August 2005, 20:27
Seems sound advice TOW. See how it does over the weekend and may start on Monday.

Todays results, by the way, have increased profits further still.

LSP = + 56 Pts.
Bank up to £795.

All seems too good to miss. :spinning

12th September 2005, 21:19
Only just seen this, there is a plan upstairs (members area) that specifically deals with this problem with fledgling systems, unfortunately I can,t go into details down here, but do believe some of the members have used it to good effect. Might be an idea to sign up for 1 day to have a gander if Keith still offers this service.

12th September 2005, 22:13
Members Forum Area is for monthly access only.

13th September 2005, 11:12
Well anybody that wants it would have to sign for a month then, I,d say the plan was worth a months membership anyway.

13th September 2005, 11:19
Well anybody that wants it would have to sign for a month then, I,d say the plan was worth a months membership anyway.

Pod, i may have read it and just forgotten, more than likely with my memory but where specifically ?


13th September 2005, 11:21
Try the Golden forum upstairs Jonny.