View Full Version : "Something New" Aug 24th (Day 15)

24th August 2005, 08:40
Over the moon with results so far. :D

Level Stake Profit = + 51 1/2 Pts.
3% Running Bank = £707

Todays Selections

4.40...Bri...Out For a Stroll...Lost
5.00...Cat...Sir Nod............Non-runner
5.30...Cat...Ushindi............WON @ 13/2 :wiggle:

Forgot to nominate Astronaut as the NAP :D

And so the "Something New" system goes powering on!!!!!

Results to Date after 15 days.

Level Stake Profit = + 56 Pts. :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

3% Running Bank (£200) now £795 :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

.....Be Lucky!!!