View Full Version : "Something New" 9th Sep (Day 30)

9th September 2005, 09:00
Selections = 131
Wins = 40
Strike Rate = 31%
3 % Running Bank = £1451
Level Stake Profit = +84 .25 Points
:wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle:

1.40...Don...Echo of light...........WON @ 9/4
4.10...Ban...Wet Lips................Non-Runner
5.05...Don...Elliots World (NAP)..WON @ 13/8

Selections = 134 :wiggle:
Wins = 42 :wiggle:
Strike Rate = 31% :wiggle:
3% Running Bank = £1577 :wiggle:
Level Stake Profit = +90.50 Points :wiggle:

I hope you all don't mind if I do a bit of trumpet blowing. To increase a £200 bank to £1577 in 30 days is way beyond anything I could hope for and even a level stake profit of + 90.50 points (£905 @ £10 a point) is like dreamland. :wiggle: :wiggle: :wiggle: I'm off on holiday tomorrow with a few extra quid spending money to do a bit of contemplating. Back in two weeks, so until then...

.....Be Lucky!!!

Iron Chris
9th September 2005, 21:54
Great stuff tovarich, you blow your own trumpet as much as you want mate, though I suspect there will be plenty of trumpet blowing for you anyway with these results. :)

Enjoy your holiday, but you will of course making sure you still post up your selections................................... WON'T YOU!! :D

9th September 2005, 21:59
It's nice to see someone with such a shiny trumpet! You blow it as much as you want - have a great holiday and thanks for sharing these.

9th September 2005, 22:00
Have a GREAT Holiday......and we look forward to more of the same on your return :D

9th September 2005, 22:03
Vegy says you can bow his trumpet if you want. :yikes:

9th September 2005, 22:06
Brilliant mate, have a good hol and enjoy spending your free money! You deserve it for the tips this month! I might have a go at it when you get back.