View Full Version : Free CD.....

24th September 2005, 10:55
For those who want to take a trip down memory lane, go buy today's Daily Mirror. The free CD (Status Quo & Friends) is great stuff.....

No, I am not on commission :laugh


24th September 2005, 10:56
Nice one Gordon, thanks for that - I'm off out shortly so I'll have to have a look at that one! Out tonight to see Budgie in concert in Brighton.... real blast from the past - caught them about 9 months ago and they were brilliant, so should be another good night!

24th September 2005, 11:24
Sounds like a good night out Big C.....

Hope they don't do the Birdie Song (Budgie) :laugh

Watch out for my brother, he lives in Hove.....


24th September 2005, 18:47
Nice one Gordon, thanks for that - I'm off out shortly so I'll have to have a look at that one! Out tonight to see Budgie in concert in Brighton.... real blast from the past - caught them about 9 months ago and they were brilliant, so should be another good night!
I saw Budgie when they supported Ozzie Osbourne at Wembley Arena. Must be about 20yrs ago, but still one of the best gigs I've been to. I have an album of theirs on vinyl from 75. It's called Bandelirra (wrong spelling). Got some great tracks on it & some great artwork. The cover is a painting of a scene from planet of the apes, but the apes have budgie heads.

24th September 2005, 22:55
Just got in from the gig - early start / finish as the venue becomes a nightclub after 11.. great gig again, only 90mins though, but loads of classics, a few very good sounding new songs (album due out shortly), and a decent support band made it a really good night... Old Burke still looks like a scrawny rat, and he still plays that battered old Fender bass, but the voice is still amazing and he leaps around the stage like someone half his age (he's late 50's...) real classic rock! I also saw Budgie way back on the Ozzy tour in Glasgow... that was a great night too!

24th September 2005, 22:58
Forgot to add about the Bandolier artwork - was by Roger Dean I think, he did a few of their 70's album sleeves...

24th September 2005, 23:09
I would have loved to see that concert. Is Tony Bourge still lead guitar ............ the guy's riffs influenced a lot of subsequent metal bands. I still have their first album, Budgie.

BigC, round off the night with another great concert on TV right now (BBC4) ......... Martin Scorcese's "The Last Waltz" featuring Jaime Robbie Robertson and the Band.

24th September 2005, 23:43
Hi Ice, Tony Bourge left the band in 1980 - put together a band called Tredegar who did one self titled album - which i got for about 3 quid in mint condition a few years back - it's a very very good album! Tony was replaced by a young (at the time) guy called John Thomas - he was a brilliant find, and is still very much revered by Budgie fans for his song writing on the 80's albums.... I think he's been very ill lately... so a new guy has been with the band... he gets a special name check from Burke though ( as do the other ex-members).

24th September 2005, 23:44
Budgie website -
