View Full Version : and i didnt make a profit today either gus

26th September 2005, 20:13
:( . seriousls though people i know im knew to this but i realy do know i wont get rich in a day ;fire lol . ive been backing horses for nearly a year nw just doing it arseways. i enjoy the sport as i said and i enjoy haveing a bet my aim is to build up a nice bank so i can get to a stage where i dont have to back every horse i fancy and the ones i do have a nice sum for better returns. 50 cent each way at the moment is hard cause like if a 16/1 shot is placed then it pays pittance or if a 7/2 shot wins the returns are not great. oh well all in time. bank now 11.29 euro down from13. by the way gus did any1 see the run today of cois na tinne wat a crap ride the jockey gave him he should been placed at least went rite in from16 /10. ps where or how do i view jts system.

26th September 2005, 20:25
OK, first thing to realise that is 16/1 shots rarely win races!

Why not start off just using the A+ Bets given occasionally on the free page. You won't get very many longshots (in fact hardly any) - what you will get is a small but sustained profit over time.

This can be used to slowly build the bank to a healthy level when you can increase stakes to make more profit - but it takes time.

As it stands at the moment, you are more than likely going to break your current bank. My personal advice to you would be to stick with just the A+ bets and try to add a few Euros a week to your bank (even if it is increasing on its own). This will help you get to a decent level stake a little sooner - BUT DO NOT USE MONEY YOU NEED FOR OTHER THINGS!

For the JTS system, you probably need a starting bank of around 400 Euros with starting stakes of 4 Euros - this will provide a 'safety net' in case the system goes through a bad patch. You would also need to join as a full member but I think you should wait until you have at least one reasonable sized bank before going down this route.

26th September 2005, 20:26
where or how do i view jts system.

The JTS is on the members page. you would have to sign up for either the 30 day, or the 48 hour membership to see them. They are a high risk system, and can have a string of losers before a good winner. It's not a good system for beginners. some of the other members systems may suit you.

what factors are you considering when you selecting your horses at the moment?

26th September 2005, 20:46
thank you guys appreciate the time there for the replys good advice to . some of the factors i use are jockey trainer combimation also trainers in form i find out which horses like which tracks etc i find out if horse won last race at wat weight and wat weight he is nw and find out who won race last year and wat draw they had. dont get me wrong i do get winners but i just dont stake properly i think . take to day for instance had no winners in the bank and i dtudied the form etc. then on my lunch break i was in bookies with a pal and i fancied dispolfoxtrot just cause the name registered in my head i think this horse was good earlier in year any way my point is i backed him and fulvio in 2euro each way double 14/1 and 8/1 one winner one second. i think this is because these horses are back this time of year and the regular horses are taRDY JUST WATCH IN NEXT WEEK OR SO FOR HORSEs that avnt run in ages but were good when they did run they will be placed at big prices or win. but yes after all said il stick to a+ bets and see how i get on. one more thing i have a habit of backing good jockeys in races specialy jamie spencer and seb sanders like tomorrow i would of backed most of there rides and i think some are good prices and would hope that they between them would turn a nice profit lol

27th September 2005, 09:17
Why do you need to gamble with money when in the learning stage? Paper trading is cheaper, and more educational, but you must write everything down. Horse, trainer, jockey, stake, odds, going, distance, type of race, reasons for selecting.

I can tell you now, you'll do better in non-handicaps, sticking to the fancied horses.

27th September 2005, 11:56
Of course if you join up with William Hill you can bet as little as 1 pence - Mind you its a bit odd to see a 4-6 give you a payback of 1pence thats like getting evens for an odds on shot :) :laugh

27th September 2005, 12:00
There is no point in betting your five pounds 10pounds or more of money until you have learned how to win. You can prove with real experience of betting with just 1 pence a time wether you can do it.

Take the 100 bet test. Can you make a profit with 100 bets using just one pence a bet?

27th September 2005, 20:01
well guys i think jamie spencer and seb sanders did ok today would of turned over a nice profit between them . anyway i didnt back just papertraded had 2 winners 1 second 3 loosers but it aint no fun back to the 50 cent bets for me bank 11.29 euro any tips lol just 1 winner to bring up my bank for confidence