View Full Version : a road in waterford (contains bad language)

4th October 2005, 13:52
this is a pic of a road in Waterford. anything to do with you FTB?? :) :)

4th October 2005, 13:58
Tis open now you'll be glad to know. (Well some of it) It was started by the vikings I believe...

4th October 2005, 14:02
Waterford??? Can't fool me, it waould have to say

"Open the road, fer **** sake" :laugh

4th October 2005, 14:05
How did thjat picture bypass the swear filter!!??? :doh

4th October 2005, 14:06
nah...we're the least oirish of all the counties over here believe it or not. Come to Waterford for the glass...stay for the class. (I just made that up but I think ill give the tourist office a bell now) (by the way for vegy and the other slow boats :D Waterford is famous for its crystal)

4th October 2005, 14:09
Is this Crystal bird a famous hooker or something then?? :doh

4th October 2005, 14:14
nah...we're the least oirish of all the counties over here believe it or not. Come to Waterford for the glass...stay for the class. (I just made that up but I think ill give the tourist office a bell now) (by the way for vegy and the other slow boats :D Waterford is famous for its crystal)

Waterford Crystal is also the name of our olympic winning drug using horse :)

4th October 2005, 14:15
Yeah...she was caught with Pete Doherty on hidden camera.