View Full Version : System Restore Query

4th October 2005, 23:43
If i set a system restore point on my pc, then disable system restore, install a program use it for what i need then uninstall the program when finished and enable system restore can i restore the restore point i set up before i disabled system restore???

Mind boggling english i know but how else could i phrase it

4th October 2005, 23:45
Its ok just found an article giving me all the information i require. Sorry for wasting forum money on useless topics

4th October 2005, 23:46
As far as I know, yes. You can restore to any point you created in the past. If you're disabling and then re-enabling I would imagine it works the same. Trial that first, then you'll know for sure if it'll work. :)

4th October 2005, 23:46
Not useless at all. :)

4th October 2005, 23:49
I stumbled across a website with the following warning

"Note: If you turn off System Restore, you delete all previous restore points. You must create new restore points once you turn System Restore back on."

So that answered my question. Thanks for the help anyways

4th October 2005, 23:50
can i restore the restore point i set up before i disabled system restore???

No, all previous restore points will be deleted.