View Full Version : Flat racing

5th October 2005, 21:45
Do the flat races stop entirely in the Autumn/winter, or does it continue all year round?

5th October 2005, 21:50
All year Nov-March = AW

Profit Seeker
5th October 2005, 21:51
Turf flat stops in Novemberish but all weather continues through the winter til the tufr pops it's unreliable head up again in March :box

5th October 2005, 21:53
Thanks guys.

Is AW as good to bet on than turf? If that makes any sense? :doh

What i am trying to say, is there a decent chance to make a profit on AW?

5th October 2005, 21:57
Depends on how good you are at picking winners in the first place.

5th October 2005, 22:00
Supposing you where tipping them Keith, a pro, would you say you had a better chance to profit on AW or turf?

5th October 2005, 22:03
One thing's for sure, AW will become more and more important over the next few years, with the new track at Great Leighs opening next year, and a few others in the pipeline....

Profit Seeker
5th October 2005, 22:32
Fields aren't as big but races aren't as classy. Tough to call, they're probably equally as hard to pick winners really. Though some horses are track specialists as are trainers.

6th October 2005, 08:56
I seldom bother with the AW, I put all my effort into turf & NH, they are three completely seperate types of racing, with different form. I don't have the time for much AW method betting.