View Full Version : "Something New" Tues 11th Oct (Day 46)

11th October 2005, 09:53
Sels = 179
Wins = 51
S/R = 28%
3% Bank = £1132
LSP = + 84 Points

3.50...Swl...Kumakawa...Lost... :(

After 46 days this system is still in profit by £898 from a high of £1623 on Sun. 2nd Oct. Six and a half weeks is too short a time to be making any judgements on whether or not we have a successful system. Or even the making of a system with a few tweaks and filters, so it's on we go, nil desperandum.

Sels = 180
Wins = 51
S/R = 28%
3% Bank = £1098
LSP = + 83 Points.

.....Be Lucky!!!