View Full Version : Latest microsoft update

Profit Seeker
12th October 2005, 09:01
Those who get their updates automatically may have had one lately, to do with XP office and stuff. Well since I installed it yesterday my pc's turned to poo again!! Even when freshly started up, it wouldn't open any programs within like 40 seconds. Yesterday my pc kept pausing and getting stuck every 2 minutes or so when I click to do something, though that seemed to stop after betfair was closed :doh. Strangest of all, was task manager refused to open, and I still don't know if it will cos when I try, that's it, pc buggers. I also got the microsoft beta spyware back cos I know enough people that have it with no probs, so I tried uninstalling that AGAIN in safe mode but it wouldn't allow it. Managed to uninstall back in normal mode and while uninstalling, it came up with a message about microsoft office front page something or other, that needed "undoing" to carry on uninstalling beta spyware :doh So there must be a link with the update. Weird bloody things!

Seems ok for now though.

12th October 2005, 09:28

12th October 2005, 09:35
I just dont do the upgrades, they always seem to bugger things up, i just use a decent firewall, anit virus and ad blocker, most of these microsoft updates seem to cause no end of trouble.

My old firm had an IT budget and as with a lot of IT budgets they were determined to spend it rather than have it cut, so each time a new version became available for our various software systems such as Windows 98 etc etc, we had the upgrades installed on day one and BANG...everything went potty and we had nothing but downtime for days.

Then along came a sensible managing partner who got rid of the budget altogether; from then on each IT purchase was treated individually on its own merits, we stopped upgrading all the flippin time and they saved in excess of £450k over 3 years and dowentime was reduced to almost zero.

Simple really :)

12th October 2005, 09:45
So what your saying is, PS needs to sack his IT manager? :doh

12th October 2005, 09:50
PS + IT is an anagram of PITS.... :)

12th October 2005, 09:51
So what your saying is, PS needs to sack his IT manager? :doh

Errrr....yes :D

Profit Seeker
12th October 2005, 10:13
PS + IT is an anagram of PITS.... :)
And TIPS...don't listen to 'em :laugh

Yeah, think I'll stop the automatic updates now, thanks.

12th October 2005, 18:37
Most of the automatic updates address important security issues so I wouldn't discard them out of hand. I'm not aware of an XP or Office XP update in the past few days and they're normally installed automatically on my PC.

12th October 2005, 21:02
I' do do the security ones :wink

12th October 2005, 22:06
I checked - there were a whole bunch of security update and the malicious software prog. I don't install the malicious software one as I run a number of my own programms and they may get affected by it.

12th October 2005, 22:41
I've had no MS updates for 2 weeks!! (thankfully)