View Full Version : "Something New" 17th Oct (Day 50)

17th October 2005, 09:59
Sels = 190
Wins = 53
S/R = 28 %
3% Bank = £945 :)
LSP + 77 Points. :)

2.30...Win...Sunrise Safari.................Lost
2.50...Pon...Thorny Mandate...(NAP)...Lost
3.30...Win...Prince Vector.................Lost (10/1 2nd)

Sels = 193
Wins = 53...:)
S/R = 27%... :)
3% Bank = £862... :wiggle:
LSP = + 74 Points... :wiggle:

Well, after 50 days of testing I think it's time for some reflection and take stock of the systems progress. (or lack thereof) The worst news is that there have been losing runs of 11 (twice) 8 and 7 (four times). All sounds disastrous, however, despite that, the overall results are in my opinion, very good.

The high point was after 37 days when the 3% Bank (£200) stood at £1823 --- a profit of £43.86 EVERY DAY, while the Level Stake Profit was + 99 points. --- a profit of 2.68 points EVERY DAY :wiggle:

Now, after 50 days the profits have diminished somewhat and the 3% Bank now stands £862 --- a profit of £13.24 PER DAY and the Level Stake Profit is now 1.48 points EVERY DAY. :)

Don't know why the drop in performance, may be just the time of year (between Flat and Jumps - sort of). Anyway, I can't think of any more tweaking or filtering to be done so we'll just carry on for another 50 days and see if the current profits last out.

.....Be Lucky!!!