View Full Version : "something New" 31st Oct (Day 62)

31st October 2005, 10:21
Sels = 237
Wins = 59
S/R = 25%
3% Bank = £424
LSP +53 Points.

3.30...Wol...Jive Time..............Lost
4.00...Wol...Fregate Island.......WON @ 7/1 :wiggle:
4.10...Plu...Mars Rock...(Nap)...WON @ 5/4 :wiggle:

Yet another winning nap. Could the tide be turning again? After an excellent Aug/Sep we had a terrible Oct when the Bank dropped from £1823 to a low of £343. :( Still fighting though and maybe when the jumpers settle down we might get some more winners. :)

Sels = 241
Wins = 61
S/R = 25%
3% Bank + £500 :wiggle:
LSP = +59.75 Points. :wiggle:

.....Be Lucky!!!