View Full Version : excel help needed

3rd November 2005, 12:51
Im working on a spreadsheet for college (yes tovarich........ COLLEGE!)

Its basically a simple household budget. What i need to do is this:

I have an income expenditure totals. Whenever expenditure is greater that income, it is supossed to appear in Red. any ideas??

3rd November 2005, 12:57
Conditional formatting.

Select your expenditure cells then select Format -> Conditional Formatting.

Set the font color to red if B1> A1

assuming A1 = income and B1 = expenditure

3rd November 2005, 12:58

3rd November 2005, 13:02
also, I need to shade some cells and columns grey. but when I do this, the lines seperating the cells and columns dissappear, and im left with a 'block' of shading, if you know what i mean

any way of keeping the seperation lines?

3rd November 2005, 13:06
also, I need to shade some cells and columns grey. but when I do this, the lines seperating the cells and columns dissappear, and im left with a 'block' of shading, if you know what i meanNot exactly

any way of keeping the seperation lines?Are you sure they are not still there and blending in with the grey shading? Try changing the border colour, line type and weight.

Select the shaded cells, Format -> Format cells -> Border

Change the line style to a solid line (bottom of left column in Style area) or one of the heavier lines on the right of that selection box. Also use the colour changer underneath the styles list to change the colour to something that might not blend in with the grey

3rd November 2005, 13:17
sorry about this mathare, but i cant get it to work.

here is an example.

can you see the way there is 'block' shading?

I want the area shaded, but not blocking out the cell outlines.

3rd November 2005, 13:18
Just add a border to the cells :doh

3rd November 2005, 13:20
Just add a border to the cells :dohYeah, exactly.

Select the shaded cells, Format -> Format Cells - > Borders

Click the Outside and Inside buttons to give each cell a black border on all sides. It shows up fine, I just tried it on the example you posted

3rd November 2005, 13:27
got it, thanks

3rd November 2005, 15:43
Sorry about this..... one more question

I have a chart for expenditure for each month (see example)

how do i label the months on the chart as jan, feb, mar, etc:

they keep coming up as 1,2,3 etc.

how do i change it


(I need to change my signature after this!!)

3rd November 2005, 15:44
Source Data - and select the months as well as the exepnditure figs.

3rd November 2005, 15:45
like this

3rd November 2005, 15:58
got it!!!!