View Full Version : Laying Waffle Number 2....

3rd November 2005, 14:58
Waffle Number 2

The concept of Strike- Rate is one of the most important aspects of our lives.

I vividly remember the times I scored in a nightclub, and prima facie have never, ever gone to bed with an ugly woman – woken up besides many, but that’s besides the point.

How is it some guys go home alone from the dance? I will tell you why, its because they don’t know their strike – rate. When I was single, I hardly ever went home alone from the dance; this wasn’t because I was handsome (lol), nor because I was rich or famous. It was because I knew my strike-rate…

When I asked your average bird,

wot yer doin later love?

I scored 33% of the time, so I knew, to get an average bird into my bed, I would have to approach and ask 3.

My strike rate for the big fat tarts, used to run at 80%, and for the bit o class, around 10%… Get my drift? ……Its about knowing your strike rate.

Strike – rate determines almost everything, no sales and marketing department (therefore, ultimately all business) cannot function without knowing something about their S/R…

However, I believe that there are 2 main aspects to strike rate when it comes to betting/laying…

1) Natural strike rate
2) Manufactured strike rate

1) The Natural strike rate is the most important one, because this is YOU.
Everyone must know or get to know there natural strike rate, whether it be 10% or 20% or higher for betting OR 6O%, 70% 80% or higher for LAYING …Getting to know this is like getting to know yourself, gaining confidence in yourself, finding your strengths and your weaknesses.

One point though, regarding laying (and betting), if you don’t know your strike rate, you need to paper test, if its for laying you should paper test a certain price range. It is obvious why. Even your natural SR is gonna differ if one minute your laying favorites and the next minute 20/1 shots…. Consistency as always is the key, its no good chopping and changing your selection process – this is where manufactured strike rate enters the debate…

Waffle number 3 will be about Manufactured strike rate…..


3rd November 2005, 15:10
I totally 100% agree...apart from this bit;

"The concept of Strike- Rate is one of the most important aspects of our lives.

I vividly remember the times I scored in a nightclub, and prima facie have never, ever gone to bed with an ugly woman – woken up besides many, but that’s besides the point.

How is it some guys go home alone from the dance? I will tell you why, its because they don’t know their strike – rate. When I was single, I hardly ever went home alone from the dance; this wasn’t because I was handsome (lol), nor because I was rich or famous. It was because I knew my strike-rate…

When I asked your average bird,

wot yer doin later love?

I scored 33% of the time, so I knew, to get an average bird into my bed, I would have to approach and ask 3.

My strike rate for the big fat tarts, used to run at 80%, and for the bit o class, around 10%… Get my drift? ……Its about knowing your strike rate.

Strike – rate determines almost everything, no sales and marketing department (therefore, ultimately all business) cannot function without knowing something about their S/R…

However, I believe that there are 2 main aspects to strike rate when it comes to betting/laying…

1) Natural strike rate
2) Manufactured strike rate

1) The Natural strike rate is the most important one, because this is YOU.
Everyone must know or get to know there natural strike rate, whether it be 10% or 20% or higher for betting OR 6O%, 70% 80% or higher for LAYING …Getting to know this is like getting to know yourself, gaining confidence in yourself, finding your strengths and your weaknesses.

One point though, regarding laying (and betting), if you don’t know your strike rate, you need to paper test, if its for laying you should paper test a certain price range. It is obvious why. Even your natural SR is gonna differ if one minute your laying favorites and the next minute 20/1 shots…. Consistency as always is the key, its no good chopping and changing your selection process – this is where manufactured strike rate enters the debate…

Waffle number 3 will be about Manufactured strike rate….."
:laugh :laugh

3rd November 2005, 15:16
Wots yer strike rate with the fat tarts Keith.....? lol

3rd November 2005, 15:25
100% :laugh (not kidding :puke )

No wonder I made sure the wife is only 8st, size 8 :)

Profit Seeker
3rd November 2005, 15:37
Is this a thread about laying or about getting layed? :doh

Cut to the chase Merl, what's your method process? Nice :D

3rd November 2005, 16:24
I used to ask them 'Do you fancy a duck later' Sometimes they misheard and we ended up in bed, other times :D .....a restaurant :(

3rd November 2005, 18:40
Is this a thread about laying or about getting layed? :doh

Cut to the chase Merl, what's your method process? Nice :D

Flippin eck Profit......My Waffle on patience......is Waffle 129...........should get there in time for the flat next year..... lol

Profit Seeker
3rd November 2005, 18:49
lol :D

3rd November 2005, 19:17
Someone else is using your avatar Merl :yikes:

4th November 2005, 00:17
Knowing your Strike rate is absolutley key. I would say in my experience when laying that you need about 1500 bets to have a good idea of your strike rate. The bigger the sample the more accurate it will be. Without knowing your strike rate you are will struggle to work out your staking.

Taking a laying system with an 85% strike rate as an example, once you know your strike rate and it is worked out over a long period of time then you have more confidence that when you have days of say 70% that there will be be days of 95% or 100% to make up for them. Equally when you have days of 100% there will be days of 70% to correct them. This is absolutley vital because short term strike rate can be volatile and do extreme damage to your bank if the staking dont reflect this.

I could make money from a 15% strike rate backing system and lose money on a 85% strike rate backing system so the aim is not necessarily to get it as high as possible - the aim is to ensure it is staked properly and that the average price of the winning bet is high enough to profit from it.

4th November 2005, 10:06
Bloody hell TH, your starting to sound like an old pro......we'll have you walking the streets yet :D

4th November 2005, 12:36
Nice input you old Pro.....

You did a better job than me in emphasizing the fact that strike rate is the point of departure for everything..............................particularly staking........coz yer the daddy on staking.....that waffle is for you...LOL