View Full Version : a newbie!

10th November 2005, 00:11
Hi,I am kinda new to the racing game,any advice on best type of betting to start?Thanx

10th November 2005, 00:13
Hey Gerald...

Nice to meet newbies! :D

Before anyone else gets in, my first advice would be NOT to follow any of MY tips! :laugh

10th November 2005, 00:15
ok vegster!thanx for your reply and welcome! :D

10th November 2005, 00:19
Tophatter's online, I'm sure he'll be along with some good advice in a mo'

Keith (the boss) has probably gone to bed so but he's a fountain of knowledge and wisdom...

listen to him! :D

I'm in a sense the village idiot...
So if you go to quick links at the top, you can put me on your "ignore" list.
Most people have already done this :laugh

I'm also rather drunk (If 1 can of Carling counts as drunk) as I was celebrating a rather good result in this forum's
very own racing game! :D

10th November 2005, 00:25
Hi Vegster!
an idiot is so defined as being one who no one else can understand the content of his reasoning,so who in fact is the idiot?LOL

10th November 2005, 00:26
I like you already! :D

10th November 2005, 00:30
Get a room lads.

10th November 2005, 00:36
hello ged.

Besy advice I can give at the moment is take it slow and read up on the advice on the staking. The betting is the easy part of gambling - anyone can pick a winner, unfortunatley we can all pick losers too, so you have to learn how to absorb the losses to capatilise on the winners. Basic rule is set aside a betting bank and record every single bet you make down to the last penny.

Also enjoy your gambling, if you find it is making you miserable long after the horse has let you down then you are betting too big and the inevitble outcome is you will become a loser as the mental strain will lead you to loss chasing and cloudy thinking.