View Full Version : bottom of the list sys RULES

15th November 2005, 15:47
this system is just about as basic as you can get, and involves backing the horse at the bottom of the list ON BETFAIR, - thats it. my reasoning for comming up with this stupid idea is that the horse at the bottom of the list is generally the highest odd's, though i am not too bothered about the odd's - what i am bothered about is value, and i do beleive that these longshot's are overlooked by backers, and overlayed by layers.

another thing i may look into is backing the longest odd's - as these horses arnt always at the bottom.

i have been looking into this idea for quite a while, but without recording my selections, i have no hard evidence to show if it is profitable or not. and i would highly reccomend nobody follows this system as it is just going into testing. though what pushed me into the idea of starting recording my selections is that 2 would be selections have come in today @ 33/1 and 66/1 with the betfair price of 60 and 120 respectively.

i will be conducting a test in this thread


Profit Seeker
15th November 2005, 16:20
I wasn't going to post this as everyone would go on about after timing but I don't care, I don't post bull hang for a thrill! :rolleyes:

I thought up another little paper test last night, just out of curiosity, though I don't know why, I don't have enough time doind what I do as it is Ooo

Basically involves longest travellers that are top and bottom weights, trying various filters but the long traveller is the core rule. First few races threw up Chickapeakray 28/1, 40 betfair, and amazingly Solcitude 66/1, 190 could have been had on betfair :laugh So now plenty of space left for all the losers, I doubt it would work long term :)

15th November 2005, 20:27
Why not PS there has to be a reason to travel to such lengths don't you think..

Be interesting if you could keep up with the results to see the outcome.


15th November 2005, 20:46
Is this ANY race Presto?

17th November 2005, 16:22
yup - any type of race sparky.

i am testing every UK race.

17th November 2005, 16:30

mrkt r 3:10

10 mins before the race 'fiery peace' is bottom of the list @ 15 - the odd's looked like they would shorten so i recorded the bet @ 15

i come back to the race 1 min before the off, and what do i see - jaybjay is at the bottom of the list at odd's of 10.

i am not sure why betfair moved the selections - especially as the longer odd's horse was moved up the pecking order. but it gives me a dilema. - i origionally recorded 'fiery peace' as my selection - and in a real betting sictuation - this is what my money would be placed on.

but according to my rules i only place a bet on the bottom of the list.

i doupt this will happen often, but as fiery peace was the winner - i will record 2 bet's for this race.

17th November 2005, 16:43
how the F :censored: K can this happen twice in quick succession

winc 3:30
i origionally recorded 'roofing spirit' on my spreadsheet. (30 mins prior to the off)
i however placed no 'paper' bet.
and guess what happens - higher odd's go up the list and wins.
i will not put this into the record's however as i placed no paper bet.

but i thaught putting the selection in my spreadsheet may save a bit of time - not cause confusion ;fire

17th November 2005, 16:51
Stats Presto based on the RP Forcast Rank

17th November 2005, 16:53
For what's it's worth presto. If that was the horse at the bottom when you looked and when you'd have placed the bet then surely that is the selection. You can't predict Betfair faffing about with the races.:)

17th November 2005, 17:02
I think Betfair order the horses initially on the the RP odds and then at various times move them about a bit accouding to the amount of money matched.

19th November 2005, 17:42
I think Betfair order the horses initially on the the RP odds and then at various times move them about a bit accouding to the amount of money matched.
If that's the case Marcus it could be a little indicator in itself - money going down for "no-hopers"