View Full Version : The best SPAM for the last 10 days....

21st November 2005, 08:40

Send me a email NOSPAMPLEASE@NOSPAM.com, and i will send you more information. Take alook what one of the mebers said about my service after using the test trial a few days

Hi Roy. Your SPAM is so far the best SPAM i have seen for making
consistent profits laying horses. I think i have the hang of backing
"SPAM" and your selections are spot on ,Stuart.


21st November 2005, 12:16
what is it with spam now. - we have had non for ages and over the last 2 days we have had 2 possibly 3 spam attempts,

21st November 2005, 12:22
I have no idea what you mean Presto!

But if you have a spare few seconds, please visit
my new psychiatric care site

vegytherapist.com :yikes: :yikes: :splapme

21st November 2005, 12:36
WOW - for only £49.99 a month,
i get 24hour access (all areas) to a cretified psychiatric care site.
thats just amazing dr vegy.

just look at what your customers had to say:

mark - from wales.
this site is amazing,
i was sceptiaal at first, but the doctors new 'alternative' therapy of vegapuncture really works, imagine accupuncure with carrot's.
thank you doetor - you saved my life.

paul daniels from argentina.
wow - i have all the medical knowledge i need on one site. who would have known that spring onions when used as a seposatarry is a cure for flue. and thousand island salad dressing is an effective anti-inflamotory.
thanks to you doctor vegy. i no longer have a GP.

i really must subscribe to your service Dr Vegy.

how much is it again? only £49.99 a month.
and the address is vegytherapist.com

just think how much i could save in complex surgery and needless medicine.

21st November 2005, 12:45

I also deal with very intense emotional problems

Preston from err, Preston
I am 24 years old, but look about 6
I think it stems from using too much moisturiser...

I can't get a beer, a adult bus pass or go into a brothel...
pleae help...

Within 3 months, Preston has turned his life around
His latest communication reads
Dr Vegy, you are a master

I have realised that I can get into football matches and
cinemas for half price. Sometimes kids go for a quid

I have also seen that by liquidising potatoes and rubbing them into my eyes
I am able to look about 2 years older, allowing me to go into a pub
accompanied by an adult!

Thanks Dr Vegy!


You are very very welcome...

And as a minor, you get a 20% discount! :wink

21st November 2005, 12:56
:laugh :laugh :laugh