View Full Version : Cold Weather And Snow Quiz

21st November 2005, 21:33
Keep us all going while it freezes out there...
1. What was the name of the spy who came in from the cold ?
2. Who wrote the original story THE SNOWMAN from which they made the lovely animated film ? RAYMOND BRIGGS
3. Who had a feeling for Snow ?
4.Which is larger, Greenland or Antarctica ?
5. Which, on average, is always colder, Greenland or Iceland. ? GREENLAND
6. In which opera does the person with the tiny frozen hand appear ?
7. 'When icicles hang by the wall... ' is a song sung in which Shakespeare play ?
8. What kind of animal was Brumus ?
9. In which year did Scott make his fatal expedition to the antarctic ? 1912
10. We have to call them Inuits now but when I was at school they were called what ? ESKIMOS

21st November 2005, 21:45
10. Is it eskimos? are you not allowed call them that now?

21st November 2005, 22:08
1 - I know it was written by John Le carre, but not the actual character name.

2 - Raymond Briggs (whoi also wrote the brilliant Fungus The Bogeyman!)

4 - Antarctica

5 - Greenland by quite a bit! Iceland is warmed by the gulf stream

9 - 1912

21st November 2005, 22:15
10. Is it eskimos? are you not allowed call them that now?

That is correct wb, and you are not allowed to, no, not pc.. don`t ask me why :yikes:

21st November 2005, 22:15
1 - I know it was written by John Le carre, but not the actual character name.

2 - Raymond Briggs (whoi also wrote the brilliant Fungus The Bogeyman!)

4 - Antarctica

5 - Greenland by quite a bit! Iceland is warmed by the gulf stream

9 - 1912

2,4,5 and 9 are correct Big C..try harder on 1 now

21st November 2005, 22:20
I'd need to cheat Susan, so I'll leave it for someone else for now :)

22nd November 2005, 00:06
7. A Winter's Tale

22nd November 2005, 00:06
1. George Smiley?

22nd November 2005, 00:07
6. La Boheme?

23rd November 2005, 22:25
1. George Smiley?
both correct RUBY thanks..

24th November 2005, 00:17
4 Greenland

8 A polar bear from Birmingham? :)

24th November 2005, 01:23
Apologies for disputing one of your answers, but No1 ........

Is it definitely George Smiley?
On reading the question first time round I thought that it definitely wasn't George Smiley.
My initial thoughts were,and I'm only pulling this name from memory, Leman, or something similar..........?

Please enlighten me, as my literature knowledge is fading fast the older I get.



24th November 2005, 08:52
Alex Lemas played by a :pss up Sir Richard Burton would be my guess :wiggle: