View Full Version : Vegy's Better than Andy's Hot One - NH system!

22nd November 2005, 01:32
Well, here's hoping anyway! :laugh

1-50... Warwick...... Ask The Gatherer...... :D WON...... 6-1
2-20... Warwick...... Voy Por Ustedes....... :D WON...... 6-5

22nd November 2005, 17:18
Not a bad day at the office he says :laugh

A 6-1 winner and a 6-5 winner!

Excellent! :wink

22nd November 2005, 17:27
To 1 point level stakes, I make that

+ 7.2 points!

22nd November 2005, 18:09
Why you thieving :censored: ::swear !! ;fire ;fire

How dare you, how dare you.

To be fair, well done mate!..................

but you are still about 33 points behind my system! :D :wiggle:

22nd November 2005, 18:31
but you are still about 33 points behind my system! :D :wiggle:

Andy, your claim of +42 points for your system cannot be validated!!!

The selections that you have posted and proofed consist of ten losers and three winners (9/4, 8/11, 5/4). This gives an LSP of approx MINUS 5.75 points.

Yes, you have said that the system also produced 2 winners of 11/1 and 33/1 but you did not post these up at the time so unfortunately they have to be disregarded. It is the accepted way of things in horseracing and proofing results -- something which is not declared before racing and subsequently claimed as a winner is seen as "aftertiming".

You may think I am being harsh here, but other newcomers to the forum might mistakenly accept your claims as valid which regrettably they are not. I refrained from pointing out your error in your main system thread but on seeing it repeated above I felt compelled to do so. Your repeating of such claims for winners when not proofed only damages your credibility.

22nd November 2005, 18:53
No worries Ice, i was only having a bit of fun with Vegy. I aint claiming to be a tipster. I even stated in my thread that i am a novice and that these results could be a fluke!!

I just took some advice from Markwales, because i was going to dump the system after 6 bets, but thanks to mark he told me to stick with it. I thought i would post the results to thank Mark and let anybody else judge for themselves.

I know that these results are correct, i would not try and put people in a false sense of security. I am going to keep the results as shown because they are my records. I will just let people either take them or leave them.... most will probably leave them anyway. :D

22nd November 2005, 23:20

12-55... Wetherby...... Bewleys Berry............i... :) WON...... 4-7
1-255... Wetherby...... Vocative............... .. .iii.. :( lost......
1-355... Chepstow...... Tizi Ouzou.............i........ :( lost......
2-355... Wetherby...... Whispered Promises....... :) WON...... 40-1 :yikes: :yikes:

23rd November 2005, 14:20
That's now 3 out of 3 :D

Can I put an add in the papers
claiming 100 SR and 700 pounds profit in 2 days to 100 pound stakes! :laugh

23rd November 2005, 14:32
:yikes: A loser :yikes:

Didn't see that one coming!! :ermmm :laugh :laugh

23rd November 2005, 14:43
:yikes: A loser :yikes:

Didn't see that one coming!! :ermmm :laugh :laugh
That's strange......They're the same words your wife said to the Dr when she got the pregnacy result..... :D

23rd November 2005, 15:42


Eat your heart out andy! :laugh :laugh

:hoho: :hoho: :REDanceda :icon_win: :REGamblMo :party :23_116_6[ :23_116_6[

I didn't back it :cryer :cryer

23rd November 2005, 15:48
Vegy, can i subscribe to your services... er, i do want some comission though for stealing my idea for this system!! :D

Some rep for this winning tipster me thinks

23rd November 2005, 15:51
I bet you can't give me none andy...

You'll probably have to spread it around first :laugh

And if anyone knew how much rep you had given me since you joined, they might get ideas! :D

23rd November 2005, 15:54
hmmmm, read your rep. I had given you some without havin to spread any! thats it... neg rep for you from now on!! :D

23rd November 2005, 16:01
So after just 6 bets, that's a P/L of

+ 45.77 points :yikes: :yikes:

23rd November 2005, 16:02
So after just 6 bets, that's a P/L of

+ 45.77 points :yikes: :yikes:

yeah yeah, stop milkin it! :D

23rd November 2005, 16:05
So after just 6 bets, that's a P/L of

+ 45.77 points :yikes: :yikes:
For the first time in years your next losing run of 50 will not make you lok a complete :butthead:

23rd November 2005, 16:14
I don't know whether to include that one in my stats or not...

If it was a complete phluke

Isn't it sort of well, distorting my figures?

I mean, if after my 50th bet I am only +30 points...

although in profit, without that one winner, my system would be losing money... so do you include it or not? :doh

23rd November 2005, 16:15
Of course you include it you numpty. It was a selection.

23rd November 2005, 23:54

Well, I may as well keep this going, it might improve :rolleyes:


12-50... Uttoxeter....i.... Best Profile......................... .. iiiii.. :( lost............
1-155... Carlisle............ Wild Cane Ridge**............... .. .iii.. NR......
1-155... Carlisle......ii..... Turpin Green***................ .. .iiiiii.. :) WON....... Evs
1-255... Uttoxeter.iii...... Rare Coincidence...............iiii. .. ... :) WON....... 9-2
1-405... Taunton..iiii...... Jaskini.........................i......... .. .. :( lost......
2-155... Taunton......iiii.. Parisenne Gale..................iii......... :( lost......

**Wild Cane Ridge is rated as doubtful tomorrow! IF that is the case, Turpin Green, as stated below will be the replacement!
***Only if Wild Cane Ridge is a non-runner

24th November 2005, 13:39
It's 12-40, an hour before racing...

I have added in Jaskini...

I am pretty sure this was a selection, don't know how I forgot it? :doh

Anyway, I have added it in before racning commences!

24th November 2005, 13:41
12:40 eh???? Racing started at 12:10....CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT!!

24th November 2005, 13:42
An hour before the race my horse runs in then! :rolleyes:

Profit Seeker
24th November 2005, 14:07
Picky, those mods :laugh

24th November 2005, 14:12
It's 12-40, an hour before racing...

I have added in Jaskini...

I am pretty sure this was a selection, don't know how I forgot it? :doh

Anyway, I have added it in before racning commences!

Vegy, is this really a system. or are you just picking them out of a hat? :doh :D

24th November 2005, 14:12
No Mods have been in this thread :doh

24th November 2005, 14:20
Vegy, is this really a system. or are you just picking them out of a hat? :doh :D
It's a secret! :D

24th November 2005, 14:23
It's a secret! :D

The hat it is then! :wink

24th November 2005, 14:40
Not a bad day so far either! :D

24th November 2005, 22:50
A profit, but overall disappointing day with just 2 winners from 5 :(

Still. let's hope for better fortunes tomorrow!
Although there are a few selections, which I fee doesn't bode well Ooo


12-50... Musselburgh....ii..... Summer Special......... . iiiiiiii.. :( lost.......
1-005... Newbury....ii.......... Turko......................... .. iiiii.. :) WON...... 5-2
1-355... Newbury............... Cornish Sett................ .. iiii.. :) WON...... 13-8
1-555... Musselburgh....ii..... Comical Errors........... .. .iii.ii. :) WON...... 2-1
2-405... Newbury.......ii....... Iris's Gift................ .. .iiiiii.. .......
3-455... Newbury......ii........ Manque Pas D'Air................ .. .iiiiii.. .......

24th November 2005, 22:59
Whose Fee? :doh

24th November 2005, 23:01
Freudian Slip Keith...

When we adding this sytem to your paid for selections! :laugh

25th November 2005, 09:43
I can set that up today as a BONUS service. You transfer money from your bank account via Paypal to those of us who choose to read your drivel :hoho: :hoho: :peeky

25th November 2005, 15:05
Vegy, are you backing these selections?

25th November 2005, 15:05
He's laying them :laugh

25th November 2005, 15:07
I backed the first 3...

Chickened out of Comical Errors

thought, I won't have 3 in a row! :laugh :splapme

25th November 2005, 15:09
what is the running total for this system now?

Me thinks keith is getting scared?? Ooo

25th November 2005, 15:10
It was just over 48 points up at the end of yesterday!

So even if the last 2 lose, it should be some way past the 50 point barrier!

Let's just say, even I am shocked to see my name next to a system showing 50 (PLUS) points!! Ooo

25th November 2005, 15:25
It was just over 48 points up at the end of yesterday!

So even if the last 2 lose, it should be some way past the 50 point barrier!

Let's just say, even I am shocked to see my name next to a system showing 50 (PLUS) points!! Ooo

How did you come up with the system?

was i your inspiration? :D

25th November 2005, 15:33
His Son's picking them :D

Iron Chris
25th November 2005, 16:09
As Vegy gets a lot of stick for his selections, I think he deserves great credit for posting up this system and showing the profit that he is so far - long may it continue... :D

P.S. I may be a bit late with tomorrows selections Vegy, but will get them to you as soon as possible.. :wink :laugh :laugh :laugh

25th November 2005, 17:19
A profitable day,

but the last 2 losing, particularly Iris's Gift
left me a little disappointed! :(

25th November 2005, 17:20
was i your inspiration? :D
No! :D

25th November 2005, 17:21
Much appreciated Chris!

And don't tell anyone, okay!

It's okay, because I don't think anyone looks in here! :laugh

25th November 2005, 17:39
OK, who's publishing Vegy's copyrighted tips on the Betfair forum? :D

25th November 2005, 17:59
No! :D

whats with the title then? :doh

25th November 2005, 18:13
Is it or is it not, better than yours? :doh

25th November 2005, 22:51

Current P/L

= + 51.40 points!

Total Selections = 17
Total Winners = 9

25th November 2005, 23:01
Is it or is it not, better than yours? :doh

:iagree: :grinny :peeky

Three pictures say a thousand words! :D

25th November 2005, 23:06
Andy... I LOVE yuo on this forum! :D

You make me laugh! :laugh
I wish I lived in Blackburn

25th November 2005, 23:08
Andy... I LOVE yuo on this forum! :D

You make me laugh! :laugh
I wish I lived in Blackburn

easy tiger :wink

25th November 2005, 23:08
grrrrrrowl :D

25th November 2005, 23:34
grrrrrrowl :D

:laugh :laugh

25th November 2005, 23:47
I've got some more for Saturday!


12-25... Towcester..iiiiii......... Emmasflora......... . iiiiiiii.. :( lost.......
12-35... Newbury....ii............ Natal.................... .i iiiii.. :) WON...... 5-2
1-205... Newcastle............... Wild Cane Ridge................ .. iiii.. ......
1-255... Towcester....iii......... Bannister Lane........... .. .iiii.ii. ......
1-505... Newcastle.......ii....... Ambition Royal................ .. .iiiiii.. .......
1-555... Towcester.....iii........ Sharp Jack................ .. .iiiiii.. .......
2-055... Newbury......iiii......... Baracouda................ .. iiiiiii.. .......
3-305... Newcastle......ii........ Admiral................ .. .iiiiii.. .......

26th November 2005, 13:44
Didn't expect to get 5-2 about Natal Ooo

26th November 2005, 15:59
I think this is what as known as a system going tits up! Ooo

27th November 2005, 03:06
A first losing day yesterday :( Let's hope that we get back to winning ways pronto!


12-10... Doncaster.iiiiii........ Cadeaux Rouge......... . iiiiiiii.. .......
12-30... Newbury..iiiiii......... Pirate Flagship......... . iiiiiiii.. .......
12-40... Doncaster..iiiiii....... Feel The Pride......... . iiiiii.... .......
12-50... Leicester..iiiii......... Prairie Minstrel......... . iiiiiiii.. .......
1-255... Leicester..iiiii......... Indian Star......... . iiiiiiii.. .......
2-055... Newbury....i.......... Knowhere.................... .i iiiii.. ......

If non runner, selection is Whispered Secret!

3-005... Leicester..iiiii......... Miss Shakira......... . iiiiiiii.. .......
3-355... Leicester..iiiii......... Hoh Viss......... . iiiiiiii.. .......