View Full Version : data base help needed

22nd November 2005, 15:36
Im woking on a database, and have 2 queries.

The database is a fictional one, which is supossed to be a video store.

there is a list of members, members addresses, dvds, and dates borrowed.

I need to:

1. Create a report of the dvd's borrowed between 2 particular months.

2. Create a mailing list for each member including what they borrowed, the date borrowed, and their name and address

any help would be gladly recieved as I have been at this for 2 hours now.

thanks, Wayne

22nd November 2005, 15:51
....thanks, Wayne
You're welcome :D

22nd November 2005, 15:52
er, no problem keith :doh

still dont have the database sortet yet though :)

22nd November 2005, 15:54
Unfortunately databases aren't really my thing. I did some programming in Access (which I assume you're using) 5 or 6 years ago and hated it. That's when I switched to Excel.

A lot of the stuff I do with Excel would be better as a database but I don't get on with Access so....

22nd November 2005, 15:55
I seem to remember the fictional databases supplied with Access such as the Northwind database were quite useful though. As were the help files

22nd November 2005, 15:58
im sure it is something simple (when you know how :( )

Im fine with most programms, never seemed to like access though..

22nd November 2005, 16:03
I got 1/2 way through learning Access and realised it isn't very flexy, so went back to just writing my own software from scratch.

22nd November 2005, 16:08
It is really crap. I hate it. Think I figured it out though. It would not work cos I had the dates down as 'text'.

I wanna go home :(

22nd November 2005, 16:15
Learn vB, much easier :)

22nd November 2005, 19:42
Run a "query" and select the two months you want the details from.

Run another query and then search the members names and then print out what they borrowed etc etc

22nd November 2005, 20:20
When doing the query, you need to use #22/11/2005# - if you miss the #, the database thinks it is text and you'll get a mismatch error.

Use the word mail merge facility to print. The wizard even lets you decide what goes where!

22nd November 2005, 20:21
I got 1/2 way through learning Access and realised it isn't very flexy, so went back to just writing my own software from scratch.

It's the second half where you learn the useful stuff! :D

22nd November 2005, 20:36
It was running multiple databases at the same time, while blending them that was the hassle. Quicker to program it all from scratch, and get exactly what I wanted.

I've just installed MYSQL on my PC so going to have a play with that soon :)

22nd November 2005, 20:45
What database management system are you using ORACLE,MYSQL,Paradox,Microsnot SQL,DBMS,Microsoft Access, are among the product names you could be using. You could even be using Excel and Word to do the above execise.

You most likely have a customer table, and a DVD table and a Transaction table.
The Transaction table links the customer and DVD table together. With fields of

You will need to proform queries on this data in order to complete the reports.

22nd November 2005, 21:11
Couldn't you just do it for him? :D

22nd November 2005, 21:39
Yes, but does he learn anything if I do it?

22nd November 2005, 21:40
thanks everyone, got it sorted. as ever, much appreciated

22nd November 2005, 21:43
Yes, but does he learn anything if I do it?
Yes...he learns how the kids of today do homework :D

22nd November 2005, 21:51
Not everything is on the internet yet :(

Looked for a poem called which has a first line of "Were going to see the rabbit"

and got nowhere.

22nd November 2005, 21:58
Not everything is on the internet yet :(

Looked for a poem called which has a first line of "Were going to see the rabbit"

and got nowhere.

Wanna bet :)


We are going to see the rabbit,
We are going to see the rabbit,
Which rabbit, people say?
Which rabbit, ask the children?
Which rabbit?
The only rabbit,
The only rabbit in England,
Sitting behind a barbed wire fence
Under the floodlights, neon lights,
Sodium lights,
Nibbling grass.
On the only patch of grass
On the only patch of grass
In England, in England
(Except the grass by the hoardings
Which doesn't count).
We are going to see the rabbit
And we must be there on time

First we shall be by escalator,
Then we shall go by underground,
And then we shall go by motorway,
And then by helicopterway,
And the last ten yards we shall have to go
On foot.
And now we are going
All the way to see the rabbit,
We are nearly there,
We are longing to see it,
And so is the crowd
Which is here in thousands
With mounted policemen
And big loudspeakers
And bands and banners
And everyone has come a long way.

But soon we shall see it
Sitting and nibbling
The blades of grass
On the only patch of grass
In - but something has gone wrong!
Why is everyone jostling
And slanging and complaining?

The rabbit has gone,
Yes the rabbit has gone,
He has actually burrowed down into the earht
And made himself a warren, under the earth,
Despite all these people.
And what shall we do?
What can we do?

It is all a pity, You must be dissapointed,
Go home and do something else for today,
Go home again, go home for today,
For you cannot hear the rabbit, under the earth,
Remarking rather sadly to himself, by himself,
As he rests in his warren, under the earth:
"It wont be long, they are bound to come,
They are bound to come and find me, even here."

23rd November 2005, 00:15
lol your mad bigcumba :)

23rd November 2005, 00:22
I just like to help out Racer, contrary to what Marcus thinks, everything IS on the internet - you just need to know where to look for it :D

23rd November 2005, 00:43
I've just installed MYSQL on my PC so going to have a play with that soon :)

If you are going to try out MySQL then you want to use phpMyAdmin http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php It is a great interface for managing MySQL, a dam sight easier than the command line. That's assuming you got php installed.

23rd November 2005, 04:12
Great Poem - I think I copied into this forum some time back :D

23rd November 2005, 09:42
If you are going to try out MySQL then you want to use phpMyAdmin http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php It is a great interface for managing MySQL, a dam sight easier than the command line. That's assuming you got php installed.
I use PHP on the server, but the MYSQL is the windows version installed on my home PC, so I can fiddle about in ultra fast mode without cocking up the server :)

Already have phpMyAdmin, WHM & CP installed for controlling everything.....I especially like the 'DELETE ALL VEGYS POSTS' option :D