View Full Version : jockey stats question

24th November 2005, 12:11
When looking at jockey stats, which statistic should be given more attention.

for example:

lets say i was looking at an All Weather race. the record for the jockey is:

15% wins at all weather tracks

10% wins at this particular aw track

12% wins overall

Should you go with that particualr track, the all weather record, the overall record, or should you somehow try to combine it to create a 'rating'

hope this makes sense.


24th November 2005, 12:21
At those %'s I wouldn't even be interested :)

Jockey/Trainer are usually better.

24th November 2005, 12:23
At those %'s I wouldn't even be interested :)

Jockey/Trainer are usually better.

sorry, stats were just made up off the top of my head.

do you not think it makes much difference? What if a jockey had a crap record overall, but a good one at a particular track. should this not be considered?

do you mean jockey/trainer at that particular track, or overall?

24th November 2005, 12:27

D Holland has the best record at Chester, yet he's crap :)

24th November 2005, 12:29
I would give track stats most attention myself. It's possible that a jockey gets to know a particular track much better/worse than others.

That said for it to be meaningful I would need over 30 rides at any particular track before I deemed it statistically meaningful. Under 30 rides at the track and you have to go more general ie turf/AW. Less than 30 rides on the given surface you have to go to flat/NH I guess.

25th November 2005, 11:14
Hi wbailey.....

The jockey recent form is worth a look too at RP. See who they have been riding for and what sort of results they have had (can do the same for the trainer too).....
