View Full Version : Free A and A+ bets

25th November 2005, 01:30
Ok so i am interested in using the free A and A+ bets in the free section of win2win. I understand its not guarenteed to make a profit but i do enjoy a turn on the horses. Im just going to start with a small bank ~£50 therefore it wont do any damage. I will try level staking first (£1-2 each time.).

Does this sound a reasonable plan?
Do these bets have to be played each day?
What is the difference between A and A+ and should they be played from seperate banks. If yes then what one would you recomend i start off with?

Thanks again

25th November 2005, 09:41
A+ is a posh word for MAX :)

Why not just do 4% of then bank on A+, & 2% on A bets, should build up nicely for my Xmas present :) You just missed HAKIM @ 18/1 (most got 25/1+) on Sunday.

25th November 2005, 12:11
Thanks for the advice. :) I think i will take that on.

I put (3%) on each horse (A and A+) this morning on my way to work. I have set aside £50 starting bank, well, a seperate wallet in my inside pocket.

Unfortunately I cant use betfair yet as i dont have a credit card to pay money in. I know its terrible this day and age but i cut them all up after i ran into lots of debt. Wasnt through gambling and im clear now so theres no worries.

From what i understand these bets should be made each day. Is this right? If so then it means i will have to nip out for lunch each day to put them on. Greggs is no comparison to the lunches i get at work.

25th November 2005, 12:36
Unfortunately I cant use betfair yet as i dont have a credit card to pay money in. I know its terrible this day and age but i cut them all up after i ran into lots of debt. .
Do you have a standard bank account, and how do you get your money out ? If you just have a card to take money out of the ATM, but cannot use it to buy things in shops etc, ask your bank for an ELECTRON or SOLO card.
You normaly cannot go overdrawn on these, so there is no risk to you or your bank. You can also get one of these if you have a poor or zero credit rating, and the best thing is you can use them on Betfair and lots of other on-line spending.

25th November 2005, 12:51
As far as I know, you can open a betfair account and then lodge money by cheque.

25th November 2005, 12:57
Thanks. Will definetely look into the electron or solo card. Theres been lots of time i need to get something off the net but i cant. I Usually have to use a friends but i hate that.

25th November 2005, 13:21
Each way bets on the site:

Are they designed for bookies each way prices?

What If you use betfair, should you do both a win and a place bet?

25th November 2005, 13:32
I do win only, place betting is the TRUE place odds, no comparrison to the bookies, but better than the Tote place.

25th November 2005, 13:41
and i take it by going win only you make bigger profits?

25th November 2005, 13:44
I do :) All my systems/methods are designed for WIN only.

25th November 2005, 13:45
Are these still worth doing to SP if you can't use Betfair for them?

25th November 2005, 13:45
not being smart here or anything keith..

but sometimes im not sure what way to do them. win or each way.

some of the prices are nice and high for a 'safe-ish' each way bet, but you state that you do win only. you are the pro after all, so sometimes im not sure whether to take the 'safe' each way option or to follow the pro

25th November 2005, 13:46
Those who backed HAKIM at 25/1 WIN got much more than those who went EW , and if you backed all the selections EW, you'd have about half the profit.

25th November 2005, 13:48
so why does it say each way then?

lower risk?

25th November 2005, 13:53
Because I know that is the way the vast majority of punters will bet it, but also why I state underneath I do them WIN only.

25th November 2005, 15:05
I just noticed the EW there. I put in for a win. Och well hopefully its first place.
When you are referring to an EW bet and say i planned to put down 4% bets of my bank. Do i put half the stake down so it doubles up to 4% or do i put the 4% stake so it doubles to 8%.


25th November 2005, 15:06
4% total - 50/50, you can do 75/50 or whatever on the exchanges, using the place as a bit of a saver.

25th November 2005, 15:22
Those who backed HAKIM at 25/1 WIN got much more than those who went EW.


(The most important lesson you will ever learn in gambling imho)

25th November 2005, 17:14
Wahey. I can transfer money into the account using internet banking. Takes 3 days though but that shouldnt be a problem.

25th November 2005, 17:19
my theory on EW betting is:

to be an EW bet the selection must be quite long odd's (16/1+ min) - there is no point in putting a bet on odd's much lower as even if it doe's place then you would win next to bugger all.

so if the odd's are around 20/1 - you could probably get 30's (min) on the exchange. so the value is much better on the win only on the exchange.

this is just my oppinion however.

25th November 2005, 18:44
my theory on EW betting is:

to be an EW bet the selection must be quite long odd's (16/1+ min) - there is no point in putting a bet on odd's much lower as even if it doe's place then you would win next to bugger all.

so if the odd's are around 20/1 - you could probably get 30's (min) on the exchange. so the value is much better on the win only on the exchange.

this is just my oppinion however.

One other way to look at E/W betting, Presto. If you place £2 Win on a 5/1 chance and it comes second, the return is NIL. If you place £1 E/W and it comes second you get your money back --- AND you've had a free win bet. :D

25th November 2005, 20:05
And if it wins with £2 @ 5/1 you get £10 back profit
£1 E/W gives you £6 profit ........... 40% difference