View Full Version : Help, for the love of God, help...

9th December 2005, 18:32
Ok...Bare with me here...

I ran a Norton scan of my computer last night, it found a couple of things but I have no idea what it did with them....Anyway, this morning I turned on the laptop and it spent an inordinate amount of time on the intitial stat up screen...you know the one that says Windows XP and has the bar running from right to left under it (ala Kit on Knightrider)....

Finally loads into windows but the music that accompanies that sounded like my speakers were in bits....When I play radio online it comes out really slow and crackly (like a tape on low speed double)....

Now, as soon as Windows starts, everying happens very slowly...the icons on screen etc....and when I go to click something, there's a beep and the thing freezes up for a while..

Also, on start up there's a norton alert that goes a little something like this:


Basically telling me there's something missing.

I ran a system restore...and I thought all was well when the music kicking off windows sounded normal again but the alert came up again and I got the beep and freeze again too.

Any ideas??

9th December 2005, 18:51
Ok...Bare with me here...

I ran a Norton scan of my computer last night, it found a couple of things but I have no idea what it did with them....Anyway, this morning I turned on the laptop and it spent an inordinate amount of time on the intitial stat up screen...you know the one that says Windows XP and has the bar running from right to left under it (ala Kit on Knightrider)....

Finally loads into windows but the music that accompanies that sounded like my speakers were in bits....When I play radio online it comes out really slow and crackly (like a tape on low speed double)....

Now, as soon as Windows starts, everying happens very slowly...the icons on screen etc....and when I go to click something, there's a beep and the thing freezes up for a while..

Also, on start up there's a norton alert that goes a little something like this:


Basically telling me there's something missing.

I ran a system restore...and I thought all was well when the music kicking off windows sounded normal again but the alert came up again and I got the beep and freeze again too.

Any ideas??


I'm guessing you've probably tried Ad-aware, Spy-bot, AVG, Zonealarm as these have all been mentioned before on here.

How about having a go at www.iolo.com and download a free 30 day trial of system mechanic ... does all sorts, including spyware, malicious progs, optimizations ... it's worthwhile taking an hour to run every individual feature ...was recommended in Sunday Times a couple of weeks ago.

Also, Microsoft are running a free on-line scan / fix at the moment ... one time only trial... you'll find it on the Microsoft security page.

Good luck.


9th December 2005, 18:52
its friday night put you best togs on go out get drunk come back with a curry under your arm and everything will be a blur in the morning

9th December 2005, 18:55

I'm guessing you've probably tried Ad-aware, Spy-bot, AVG, Zonealarm as these have all been mentioned before on here.

How about having a go at www.iolo.com and download a free 30 day trial of system mechanic ... does all sorts, including spyware, malicious progs, optimizations ... it's worthwhile taking an hour to run every individual feature ...was recommended in Sunday Times a couple of weeks ago.

Also, Microsoft are running a free on-line scan / fix at the moment ... one time only trial... you'll find it on the Microsoft security page.

Good luck.


Thanks Radders will give it a go...you think it's definitely a virus then?

its friday night put you best togs on go out get drunk come back with a curry under your arm and everything will be a blur in the morning

Tried that last night....didn't work... :(

9th December 2005, 18:58

great scan that finds just about anything! No fixes for most things, so make a list of anything it finds - you might have to do some manual fixes.

9th December 2005, 19:06
Uninstall/reinstall Norton.

9th December 2005, 19:06
Can't run that Radders cause I have Norton running...they're asking me to uninstall that.

9th December 2005, 19:08
Uninstall/reinstall Norton.

The only option I guess. Thanks.

9th December 2005, 19:26
The only option I guess. Thanks.

Install AVG free now, uninstall Norton, download system mechanic ... run the progs and them uninstall system mech and re-install Norton?

9th December 2005, 20:27
Install AVG free now, uninstall Norton, download system mechanic ... run the progs and them uninstall system mech and re-install Norton?
Wouldn't suicide be easier & quicker? :)

9th December 2005, 21:17
could always give Linux a try :yikes:

9th December 2005, 21:18
I've never got my network to work on Linux, which makes it useless.

9th December 2005, 21:21
It seems to have come on leaps and bounds over the last year or so. I've been running Suse 10.0 for a few days, got everything working (including dual monitors, which amazed me). Going to try to get the network shares running tomorrow between the Linux machine, a 98 machine, a 2000 machine and an XP machine....and see if I can get the network printer working. If I have any luck I'll let you know Keith.

9th December 2005, 21:28
Thing just keeps freezing up on me now....something seriously wrong methinks.

9th December 2005, 21:30
How far back did you go with the system restore FTB? If it was only a couple of days back it might be worth going back a week or so. It might not help any but it sounds like you'll try anything at this point.

9th December 2005, 21:33
I've been running Suse 10.0 for a few days,

Oh no you have not :hearty

9th December 2005, 21:39
How far back did you go with the system restore FTB? If it was only a couple of days back it might be worth going back a week or so. It might not help any but it sounds like you'll try anything at this point.

yeah, just went back a couple of days cause this problem only seemed to start last night. It freezes...then unfreezes but does things very slowly...it's just very unstable at the minute.

9th December 2005, 21:40
I've been running Suse 10.0 for a few days,

Oh no you have not :hearty

Oh crap, that didn't even occur to me!

Atleast you got a perfect 10.0 though ;)

Stewards enquiry
9th December 2005, 21:44
Anything is worth a try.


9th December 2005, 21:46
FTB, did you try CTRL ALT DEL and watch the CPU usage (in the Performance tab) to see if the CPU Usage is getting stuck on 100% (or thereabouts) when everything starts freezing? Obviously it has to be a program that you've got running that is causing the problem but it'll be a bugger to locate the actual offender.

The other thing you could try is, when you've done the CTRL ALT DEL, try hitting the "Processes" tab, then sort by "User Name" so that all of the Image Names that are being used by your own user name (not SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE or NETWORK SERVICE) are grouped together then "end process" on anything that you aren't sure about (which is tied to your User Name) to see if the system is more stable.

Ending the processes that are linked to your User Name can't do any harm. At the very worst, you might have to restart a program if you end the wrong process.

If you can figure out which process is causing the problem, you should be able to google for that image name for uninstall or fixing instructions.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

9th December 2005, 21:47
Switch everything off in the MSCONFIG then reboot, it it works OK, you know it was one of them programs.....just a case switching back on/rebooting one at a time to find the culprit.

9th December 2005, 21:57
Thanks guys...will give all that a try.