View Full Version : Help needed

9th December 2005, 23:56
Every time i go online, i get redirected to a site called yoursystemupdate telling me i need to buy a spyware remover. Does anyone know anything about them?

10th December 2005, 00:06
Your browser has been hijacked by spyware / malware that's redirecting you to that site. Whatever you do, under no circumstances pay for that software, it's almost certain that it will be more spyware. It's a common hook. Get the latest versions of Ad-Aware and Spybot and run both one after the other, possibly worth doing that again in safe mode as well, to make sure , and also make sure you have a decent firewall installed, and your AV software is up to date.

10th December 2005, 00:13
A good tool for checking for spyware / hijacking software is HijackThis which you can get (free) from:


It does require a bit of knowledge about computers but the reviews and usage on the net suggest that it's one of the best removal tools around.

10th December 2005, 00:28
Forgot that one - cheers Zomby - it is very good, and can certainly help clear up any junk, but as mentioned you do need to know what you're doing.

10th December 2005, 00:53
You could, also post your log file here to be checked out online in a matter of seconds:-


10th December 2005, 01:02
It's probably been mentioned here before but I'd just like to add that I'd highly recommend that once your system is clean you install Spywareblaster, available here http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html Excellent little free programme, keep it updated and it keeps a lot of nasties from getting into your PC in the first place

10th December 2005, 01:43
Couldn't find it with ad aware or any of the other free spyware removers but managed to get it with combination of hijack this and xoftspy. The scumbags who launch them should have their testicles removed through their noses ;fire

10th December 2005, 04:57
Is it possible to complain to the people who provide them with internet access?

It might be possible to register abusers of the internet and get them banned from posting their own webpages.

10th December 2005, 10:01
Never happened to me in all the years I've been on the Net, but I always have a good firewall set correctly, AV, run 3 spyware programs daily, never open pictures in emails, never click on an attachment, without saving & scanning it first, even if it's from someone I know.

10th December 2005, 10:03
PS.....Here's all you need to know about it, and how to remove it. I'd recommend doing it in safe mode.


10th December 2005, 13:41
Spyware/adware etc is big business to those who can get details on you're surfing habits, bank details etc etc and so it will always be around one way or another, all you can do is have adiqute protection against it.