View Full Version : 2Something New" Dec 10th (Day99)

10th December 2005, 10:24
12.55...Chl...Made in Japan(NAP).....Lost
.2.30...Lin....My Immortal...............N/R
.2.55...Don...Lou du Moulin Mas.......Lost
.3.30...Don...Super Nomad..............Lost

Sels = 365
Wins = 85
S/R = 23%
3% Bank = £182
LSP = + 35 3/4 Points.

This trial system began on Mon 8th Aug (Day 1) and by 3rd Oct.(Day 37) had increased a £200 bank (@3%) to £1823. :wiggle: Brilliant stuff I thought, and it was, but it was downhill all the way from there on which is disappointing although the Level Stake Profit stands at + 35 3/4 points which is pleasing. :)

The conclusion being this is not a system for the winter game(and I think I know why) so it goes into hibernation till next spring and next flat season.

I'll keep an eye on it to see if it could be a profitable All Weather system. :)

Meanwhile, "THE GOODS" is looking promising (in the early stages) :wiggle:

.....Be Lucky!!!

16th December 2005, 17:22
Well done Tova...

Looking forwards to this system's reappearance already! :D

Trouble is... do we trial the reappearance,
or have we seen enough to jump straight in when it resurfaceses :laugh

17th December 2005, 11:46
Thanks, Vegy. That's a good question ---- and a hard call with only some 37 successful days to go on before flat season finished and it went A*** overT**. Between the start (8th Aug) and 2nd Oct the LSP was 99 Points.:D

So, IF --- it shows a LSP then I'll settle for small stakes until it gets established. As my mate Harry says "you must be prepared to lose if you want to win" so tell me punk, "do you feel lucky"? :confused: