View Full Version : "THE GOODS" Dec 10th (Day5)

10th December 2005, 10:31
1.45...Don...Desert Quest...WON @ 3/1 :wiggle:

Sels = 7
Wins = 3
S/R = 43% :yikes: :wiggle: :D
3% Bank = £229 :wiggle:
LSP = + 5 1/2 Points. :wiggle:

Just had another look at the returns and realised that if I'd stuck to just one selection per day using the top-rated selection,the figures after five days would be :-

Sels = 5
Wins = 3
S/R = 60% :yikes: :wiggle:
3% Bank = £246 :wiggle:
LSP = +7 1/2 Points. :wiggle:

Again, much too early to draw conclusions after only 5 days, but.............

the question is --- has Christmas come early this year??? :yikes:

.....Be Lucky!!!