View Full Version : Converting VS2005 to VS2003??

11th December 2005, 01:28
Need a bit of help here for a friend of mine.
He's got visual studio 2005 installed on his laptop at home but his university only has visual .net 2003. So what that pretty much means is anything he creates at home on 2005 he cant run in college.
Anyone know if there is a way of converting the files to 2003 from 2005???

11th December 2005, 03:00
hope he is not in UCD like me, computers are rubbish there.

11th December 2005, 09:50
Get a copy of VS2003!! Plenty on Shareaza! Especially if he's bought 2005, shouldn't be much of a license problem downgrading.

12th December 2005, 19:49
Ok thanks for the input. Ill have a little think before i get back to him, ive seen quite a few people asking for the same thing (a conversion program). Ive seen one for 2003-2002. Ill keep on looking, good idea W2W bought shareaza thats VERY viable