View Full Version : Panda AV

Profit Seeker
20th December 2005, 23:57
I've had an email saying my AV is going to expire and to update costs £X. Funny but last time this happened the woman I'd been in touch with about problems with it said all updates are free! I didn't think buying an AV disc was actually only a subscription!! :doh

21st December 2005, 00:07
Updates are usually free for a year, after that you subscribe to get more.

21st December 2005, 00:14
tee hee. nice sigs, ps and big c.

have to get the plug in eh?

21st December 2005, 00:55
Sod the sigs, I use CHIP & PIN. :D

21st December 2005, 08:10
tee hee. nice sigs, ps and big c.

have to get the plug in eh?

Just joining the club Wayne - now watch them fail!

21st December 2005, 09:32
I've had an email saying my AV is going to expire and to update costs £X. Funny but last time this happened the woman I'd been in touch with about problems with it said all updates are free! I didn't think buying an AV disc was actually only a subscription!! :doh
Don't bother resubscribing, just get a new copy from here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PANDA-TITANIUM-ANTIVIRUS-2005-06-with-1yr-updates_W0QQitemZ5842704798QQcategoryZ3805QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Then uninstall the old one, and reinstall the new one, much cheaper. You can do the same with Norton, I got my 2006 copy off Ebay for the laptop for £12 all in.

Profit Seeker
21st December 2005, 11:04
Is titanium better than platinum? I have the platinum one. It says a 6 month licence is £15.99 when I bought it for less than £10 :yikes: If you just get a new disk then won't it detect you through your email?

21st December 2005, 11:19
2006 model - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PANDA-PLATINUM-INTERNET-SECURITY-2006-ANTI-VIRUS-NEW_W0QQitemZ5844704186QQcategoryZ3805QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

2004 model - http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/products/index.html?action=c2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=64350

Both work fine with the AV, but obvisouly more addons with the 2006.

You can register as many as you want on one email, I have 20+ on mine.

Profit Seeker
21st December 2005, 11:57
Oh cool! I've checked ebay and that guy is indeed the cheapest! Thanks for help fellas. :)