View Full Version : Easily make your own Betfair bot!

25th December 2005, 11:16
Betangel is now connected directly to Excel, so the power of the bot is as good as your Excel knowledge, which can be endless.

Check the video here for more details http://www.betangel.com/bet_angel/bet_angel_pro/core_material/051221-BaP-Excel.html

Betangel is excellent value for money, and can be purchased here http://www.betangel.com/cmd.php?af=315661

14th February 2006, 20:38

Just a quick question that wasn't covered in the video, is there a limit to the number of if statements that can be put in alongside each horse/team etc. I see there are two rows alongside each just wondering if that is the limit you can put in at any one time or not?

14th February 2006, 22:11
You only have one line on the worksheet, but your formula can be as long as you want. Some of mine are around 200 characters long, but if you use VBA as I do now, you can have as many bots running at the same time as you like.

VBA is pretty easy to pick up if you already use Excel.

14th February 2006, 22:58
Thanks Keith, where's the best place to start with the VBA, from books or help files in your opinion? If books, any reccommended?

14th February 2006, 23:12
Dummies Guide to VBA.....The first half of the book will have you programming in a week, as it is only simple commands needed for the bots, as it's is mostly maths......it'll also increase your labour value :)

15th February 2006, 00:45
Thanks, might go and see if I can get that tomorrow then. Another question (sorry!) wasn't sure from the video but can you have excel sheets running on several different markets at once or is it just the one market?

15th February 2006, 09:45
One sheet. That is all you need if using VBA, as you can put in & clear the staking/betting markets as much as you like.

The good thing, is that when testing VBA, you can stake at '0' so it doesn't cock up!

Odds Extractor is also best to get, as you can use this to spot trends that 99% of other users miss.

Don't expect to make money in the first month or two, as you try out different things.

15th February 2006, 12:45
Thanks Keith, what I meant though was can you set these formulas up on more than one market at once. For example, say using the video example a football match odds and at the same time have another one going on for say a horse race without having to end the football one.

15th February 2006, 15:07
One event at a time, which is more than enough. I wouldn't use it on other sports, the risk is too high.

15th February 2006, 15:54
Ah ok, I see. All I was thinking was rather than use up liability for instance in a football match odds, was to use it to BACK if a lay should appear at the price I wanted (rather than sit the request in and use up liability) Then I could leave that request in and use excel for another market, that was my thinking.

15th February 2006, 17:49
They have put a 'Change Event' selection in now, haven't checked if they've passed this over to the code. You can always ask them, the software keeps developing.

15th February 2006, 21:52
Yeah they seem to be advancing it all the time, going to take the plunge and get it now I think. I assume the betangel pro now comes with the excel addition there's not two different versions? Sorry for all the questions! I promise to go through your link when I buy it :D

15th February 2006, 23:00
You get the lot.......even a night with Vegy thrown in, but it's worth paying the extra NOT to get that :laugh

15th February 2006, 23:12
You get the lot.......even a night with Vegy thrown in, but it's worth paying the extra NOT to get that :laugh

Order cancelled :D

2nd April 2011, 13:07
I'd like to introduce another betfair bot toolkit which can be usefull.
It's klabor bee - betfair bot toolkit. You can find details on site

Betangel is now connected directly to Excel, so the power of the bot is as good as your Excel knowledge, which can be endless.

Check the video here for more details http://www.betangel.com/bet_angel/bet_angel_pro/core_material/051221-BaP-Excel.html

Betangel is excellent value for money, and can be purchased here http://www.betangel.com/cmd.php?af=315661