View Full Version : When you go....

18th January 2006, 22:59
...will you send back...A LETTER FROOOOOM AMMMERICA.

Get the "Best of" album by The Proclaimers NOW. Its great, only 1 bad song imnsho.

If you want a listen:


19th January 2006, 00:01
Proclaimers are good!

19th January 2006, 00:02
do they sing that song 'I would walk 500 miles'.. ?

19th January 2006, 00:04
do they sing that song 'I would walk 500 miles'.. ?
And I would walk 500 more! :D

19th January 2006, 00:05
Just to be the man.....

19th January 2006, 00:06
Im not joining in till we get to the bit that goes trala la la trala la la bom diddy bom diddy do!

19th January 2006, 00:06
... who walked a thousand miles to...

19th January 2006, 00:07
Im not joining in till we get to the bit that goes trala la la trala la la bom diddy bom diddy do!Is that the bit with Bella Emberg in?

19th January 2006, 00:08
To fall down at your door!

19th January 2006, 00:11
na na na, na na na
na na na, na na na
lika lika lika lika lika la, la, la
na na na, na na na
na na na, na na na
lika lika lika lika lika la, la, la. :)

19th January 2006, 00:12
Wen Ar Wack Up, Yeah Ar Know Arm Gunner Be

19th January 2006, 08:16
Wen Ar Wack Up, Yeah Ar Know Arm Gunner Be

No way I'm gonna be the man that wakes up next to you Vegy :yikes:

19th January 2006, 09:54
When I go out yeah I know I'm gonna be ...

19th January 2006, 12:20
I'm gonna be the man who go alongs with you...

and when the money...comes in for the work I do I'm pass on every penny on to you...

Ya gotta love em.

19th January 2006, 12:54
Why thankyou fade :hearty

19th January 2006, 15:23
Might I recommend "Lady Luck" for the gamblers among us...

19th January 2006, 15:48
Back to your original post....is that only one bad song "in my not so honest opinion"? :laugh

(by the way mate go to http://video.google.com/ and type in Rangers Goals)

19th January 2006, 16:38
Back to your original post....is that only one bad song "in my not so honest opinion"? :laugh

(by the way mate go to http://video.google.com/ and type in Rangers Goals)

In my not so humble opinion!!!

Good video, is DJ Bleu your alter ego?:)

19th January 2006, 16:53
I think you know the answer to that one :wink