View Full Version : transferring files

29th January 2006, 16:52
can anyone tell me the best way to transfer work from one pc to another ?

i have been told you can do it by using a usb cable from pc to another but you need a peice of software to do it anyone have any ideas

and i don't want to use discs or usb pens if helped

29th January 2006, 16:56
File sharing on a network. Someone clever'll come along soon and tell you how to do it.:)

29th January 2006, 21:10
If the two computers share the same internet connection, in order to set up a small network you can do something along the lines of the following:

1. Right-click My Computer and select Properties
2. Select the Computer Name tab
3. Click the Change button at the bottom
4. Where it says Workgroup give it a name
5. Open My Computer
6. On the left go to My Network Places
7. On the left go to View Workgroup Computers
8. Repeat steps 1-4 for your other PC (giving the Workgroup the same name)
9. Refresh View Workgroup Computers on either PC

You should now be able to see the other PC from both terminals.

You can then select which files/folders to be made visible/changeable from the other PC, and create new folders in which to transfer your files.

Hope this helps.

30th January 2006, 02:42
Depends on the sizes of the files, but the cheapest way is to upload them via FTP to webspace somewhere...then download them onto the other machine. Or set up a different email account on the one machine (use one of the freebies like hotmail) and email the files as an attachment.

30th January 2006, 09:49
Take the hard drive out of A, and put it in B........drag & drop the files you want. Done. That's the quickest way.

8th February 2006, 00:15
Buy a portable hard drive.....