View Full Version : The internet is bad

13th February 2006, 02:25
very bad (http://www.youtube.com/p.swf?video_id=kKGxaol4qws&eurl=&iurl=static13.youtube.com/get_still.php?video_id=kKGxaol4qws)

13th February 2006, 08:19
That's one poor kid psychologically scarred for life

13th February 2006, 12:43
cruel but funny though

13th February 2006, 13:08
Will he trust Dad ever again? Actually now he is on the internet everyone of his mates will think that is wicked!

13th February 2006, 14:20
That really is cruel, on so many levels.:(
Why didn't the rotten b@stard doing the filming, comfort him.:anger I assume it was 'Dad' he was saying in the sobs.
I can just about justify the prank to start with but when he saw how upset the boy was, he should've stopped filming.:butthead:

13th February 2006, 14:46
Does anybody know why MOST humour involves hurting,humilating,frightening other people?

13th February 2006, 15:58
cos its funny ?

13th February 2006, 16:13
cos its funny ?
Not against kids it's not.

13th February 2006, 16:40
Does anybody know why MOST humour involves hurting,humilating,frightening other people?
that was the question sparky :)

13th February 2006, 16:54
Not against kids it's not.
And that's still my answer.:)

13th February 2006, 18:16
It's just human nature. We laugh when a kid falls asleep in his corn flakes or flips over in his mini-tractor....and in turn they laugh when I fall off the roof of the house. And the world continues to turn.

13th February 2006, 18:33
It's just human nature.

Is it? - Prove it.

I have stopped finding a lot of 'jokes' funny.

I do like jokes with a bit of logic in them.

However http://www.thingsmygirlfriendandihavearguedabout.com/ I am ashamed that I do find this funny.

13th February 2006, 18:35
What does finding such crulity funny say about our species?

13th February 2006, 18:35
Knock Knock

Who's There


'ello Who?

L-O-G-I-C spells LOGIC!

:peeky Well, he wanted a joke with logic in it!! Ooo

13th February 2006, 18:38
Now why is that Vegy Joke Funny?

13th February 2006, 18:38
Is it? - Prove it.

I have stopped finding a lot of 'jokes' funny.

I do like jokes with a bit of logic in them.

However http://www.thingsmygirlfriendandihavearguedabout.com/ I am ashamed that I do find this funny.

Sure you're just exceptional.

13th February 2006, 18:39
Sure you're just exceptional.

I Wish!

13th February 2006, 18:46
I've had that link saved for ages Marcus, I think someone put it up on here a while ago.
Makes me smile too.:)

13th February 2006, 18:46
We're all different though Marcus - I always thought that laughter, and in particular laughing at someone falling or whatever was just an instinctive reaction that, if we wish, we can feel sorry about later.

13th February 2006, 18:47
Now why is that Vegy Joke Funny?It's a Vegy joke, by definition it's NOT funny :wink

13th February 2006, 18:48
It's just human nature. We laugh when a kid falls asleep in his corn flakes or flips over in his mini-tractor....and in turn they laugh when I fall off the roof of the house. And the world continues to turn.
I agree Fade, but that link above was different. It deliberately set up a young child's distress for the sole purpose of gratification. I may be a million miles wide of the mark but I think that is bordering on abuse.

13th February 2006, 18:49
I agree Fade, but that link above was different. It deliberately set up a young child's distress for the sole purpose of gratification. I may be a million miles wide of the mark but I think that is bordering on abuse.I can see what you're saying here but You've Been Framed does similar for kids, animals and adults

13th February 2006, 18:52
Well with regards to this example, I have a feeling that they may not have expected his reaction to be so extreme. Mind you, they kept on filming didn't they?

13th February 2006, 18:53
Without a shadow humour is a form of human expression. Although some animals have been observed playing what look like games, for amusement.

Its almost certain that humour is particular and not universal - or rather, subjective and not objective....

13th February 2006, 18:54
I know Mat, and I don't have a problem with that in the least, but this was different. It wasn't a chance happening or a 'freak' event that the camera just happened to be filming.

13th February 2006, 19:01
A Joke especilly for MM...:yikes:


A college student was in a philosophy class which had a discussion about God's existence. The professor presented the following logic:

"Has anyone in this class heard God?" Nobody spoke.

"Has anyone in this class touched God?" Again, nobody spoke.

"Has anyone in this class seen God?" When nobody spoke for the third time, he simply stated, "Then there is no God."

One student thought for a second, and then asked for permission to reply. Curious to hear this bold student's response, the professor granted it, and the student stood up and asked the following questions of his classmates:

"Has anyone in this class heard our professor's brain?" Silence.

"Has anyone in this class touched our professor's brain?" Silence.

"Has anyone in this class seen our professor's brain?"

When nobody in the class dared to speak, the student concluded, "Then, according to our professor's logic, it must be true that our professor has no brain!"

13th February 2006, 19:11
Watching the link again, which has you've gathered I find disturbing, from the moment the kid jumps up to the end of the clip is over 20 seconds, at one point the kid actually clutches the cameraman's / his dad's? leg and the rotten b@stard pushes him away to carry on filming.

13th February 2006, 19:14
Sorry Vegy but that one is not funny to me.

13th February 2006, 19:15
Haha...good old avatars.

13th February 2006, 19:19
I have to say though, watching it a 2nd time, I really feel sorry for the kid. What makes it worse is that the father obviously uploaded it to the net to make a mockery of his son. Poor form.

13th February 2006, 19:23
Sorry Vegy but that one is not funny to me.

OK MM - try this one :yikes:

The Limits of Propositional Calculus
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.


13th February 2006, 19:24
OK MM - try this one :yikes:

The Limits of Propositional Calculus
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
Therefore, Socrates is mortal.

Mr Spock's sides would be splitting.:D

13th February 2006, 19:26

13th February 2006, 19:36
Nope thats just simple.

Two men(Irish?(Kerrymen)) were woking on a fence
hammering nails to hold the wood in place.
However one man Shamus? was picking up nails
shaking his head in disgust and throwing the nails away.
The other Patirck? was carefully making a small pile of nails while
using others on the fence. Shamus turns to Patrick and says:-
"Its amazing how many of these nails are the wrong way round"

To which Patrick replies

"Oh no Shamus those nails are for the other side"

13th February 2006, 19:38
Brillient and stupid at the same time - wonderful.

13th February 2006, 19:40
OOOOHHHHHH - MM....:yikes:

Youve hurt the Irish lads feelings.........you naughty boy

13th February 2006, 19:46
Have I? Merlin.

I can't remember who Kerrymen use for the English equivalent of Irish. I don't think it works as a Blonde Joke.

13th February 2006, 19:50
Yeah, we say Kerrymen too...not sure if there's anyone from Kerry on here...

13th February 2006, 20:19
At least the kid learned one vital lesson- Trust no one! :wink

13th February 2006, 20:30
Here's one for MM

An Irish man went for a very delicate brain operation. The surgeon explained the procedure carefully.. "we will be removing part of your brain and there will be possible side effects. If we remove 25% you are likely to end up with a Welsh accent and if we remove up to 50% it will be a Scottish accent. This is unavoidable"

The poor Irishman was upset but agreed to undergo the op. As he lay in bed afterwards, the doctor came in. "unfortunately we had to to remove 99% of the brain,but you should recover soon" The patient looked up pitifully and asked..

"Cor blimey mate"

Made me laugh when i heard it anyhow:JK

13th February 2006, 23:36
I don't find it at al funny! ;fire :wink

14th February 2006, 00:07
my favourite joke of all time you'll like this one marcus i'm sure.
2 lions walking down the street one says to the other "i wonder where all the people are ?"
i like to think i've got a very broad sharp sence of humour but i don't find crude comics funny such as chubby brown why is that?

14th February 2006, 01:15
When I first heard that joke silax it was

"Two lions walking down Oxford Street, one turns to the other and says 'I thought you said it was busy here on Saturday'"

I was not bright enough to understand the joke when first told to me - mostly because animals often talk to each other or humans in stories and have come to accept that as a norm in a joke or story. So now I am supposed to switch point of view and see it as normal for people to be frightened of Lions when they are talking to each other:doh

14th February 2006, 01:23
I was not bright enough to understand the joke when first told to me - mostly because animals often talk to each other or humans in stories and have come to accept that as a norm in a joke or story. So now I am supposed to switch point of view and see it as normal for people to be frightened of Lions when they are talking to each other:doh
Marcus - You are just weird! :D

14th February 2006, 01:27
When I first heard that joke silax it was

"Two lions walking down Oxford Street, one turns to the other and says 'I thought you said it was busy here on Saturday'"

I was not bright enough to understand the joke when first told to me - mostly because animals often talk to each other or humans in stories and have come to accept that as a norm in a joke or story. So now I am supposed to switch point of view and see it as normal for people to be frightened of Lions when they are talking to each other:doh
no marcus the point of the joke is that if there were 2 lions walking down the road there everybody would have run away.:doh

14th February 2006, 01:32
Marcus, are you releasing a new version of yourself soon...something with a translator plug in perhaps??? :doh :wink

14th February 2006, 01:46
Yes - Vegy I know I am weird - I have been bullied enough as a child to know that.

Silax saying two lions are speaking to one another disassociates the situation from normal reality for me. Also I suppose I just don't imagine people being frightened of Lions for some reason. Another point is that I don't find the idea of people being scared and running away from Lions funny. Sorry thats just me. Now you can all go ahead and have 'fun' at my weirdness.

14th February 2006, 01:48
Fade - I have no idea what your problem is with the things I say and that does not matter very much as it is not my problem.

14th February 2006, 01:55
MM - We're all a little weird in some way. It makes you a helluva lot more interesting I can tell you that.

And I don't have any problems with the things you say Marcus, I just don't always understand them...just like most people don't understand some of the things I say.

14th February 2006, 02:18
"Two lions walking down Oxford Street, one turns to the other and says

¨have you had breakfast yet ¨?

The other replied


¨ lets run into MacDonald’s and frighten some of the people¨

The other replies

¨lets walk in there and frighten all of them¨


14th February 2006, 02:22
"Two lions walking down Oxford Street, one turns to the other and says

¨have you had breakfast yet ¨?

The other replied


¨ lets run into MacDonald’s and frighten some of the people¨

The other replies

¨lets walk in there and frighten all of them¨

brilliant merlin i've now got part 2 of my favourite joke

14th February 2006, 02:31
Glad u liked it Sted

14th February 2006, 08:47
The thing on the screen is funny, I did a very similar thing to my girlfriend and after the initial scream we both fell about laughing.
To set up a young kid like that might have seems funny in the first instance to that :icon_tong head, but surely when any child, never mind your own child, clings to you like that seeking assurance then you give them what they need - not ridicule.

Like most people I do find something to laugh at in sudden misfortune of the you've been framed variety - but the instinct to laugh can very quickly turn to compassion when it becomes obvious that there is real distress and not just initial shock.

14th February 2006, 10:28
but surely when any child, never mind your own child, clings to you like that seeking assurance then you give them what they needA slap?

20th February 2006, 11:02
Is it? - Prove it.

I have stopped finding a lot of 'jokes' funny.

I do like jokes with a bit of logic in them.

However http://www.thingsmygirlfriendandihavearguedabout.com/ I am ashamed that I do find this funny.


I can't "prove it" but can give you some very convincing anecdotal evidence. Recently my little one has started peeing herself laughing at the slightest misfotune suffered by other people, an old lady falls over at the shops and off she goes (while her concerned father rushes to help so its not emulation), her Mum bangs her leg on a table oh what fun etc etc etc.

Talking to other parents they all say the same. The thought came to mind as a result of Fades thread with the funny clips and your, dare I say, carmudgeonly response. Not to mention spending 2 days with my father in law reminded me of you!

If you like thingsmygirlfriendandI.... try his books, currently reading "Love and Other Near Death Experiences", but having trouble finding the time, cos in bed I wake the wife up laughing and on the train people are wary of a grinning, chortling commuter, especially on a Monday.

20th February 2006, 13:58
OFF - Have you read "Mr Comitment" By Mike Gayle? - I found his books to be very funny!