View Full Version : converting video files

15th February 2006, 01:57
grrrrrr ;fire been at this a while now with no sucsess.

what i am trying to do is put a google vid to a DVD that can be played on a normal DVD player.

so far i have:
downloaded the google vid (used this http://feelingtea.com/decode/google/index.php )

google vid's come in a usless FLV format

so i now have some FLV files, i also downloaded a flc player - so i can now watch them on my computer no problem.

i then used a program called 'total video converter' (after no sucsess with another programe). to convert the FLV file to a MPEG file, that i can watch on a DVD player.

i now have an MPEG of the google vid

problem is when i play this MPEG file from a DVD on my TV DVD player there is picture but no sound. - on my PC i can play it with full vid + sound from VLC media player (good programe) but when i play it from windows media player i get pic's but no sound.

anyone found another way of doing this?

15th February 2006, 09:36
I just use Cyberlink Powerdirector, they gave version 3 for free in Computer Shopper the other month, so should be OK to download it on Shareaza.

15th February 2006, 21:49
I wouldn't say .FLV is useless....it's the video codec that's been designed to work with Flash and is perfect for incorporating video into .SWF files that you intend to playback on CD or DVD - most promo DVDs or magazine cover disks use a combination of .SWF and .FLV now. For more details check out the Macromedia site.

Of course, you'll need Flash 6 or higher and the discs will only play back on a PC or the web but...you can get a free .FLV convertor utility from Riva http://rivavx.de/index.php?downloads&L=3 Normally this is used to convert video files into .FLV format before importing them into Flash but it also works the other way and converts .FLV to .AVI or .MPG formats which WILL play back on a DVD player.

Check out this site for step-by-step instructions http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/t259578.html

15th February 2006, 22:27
i tried that glos 'riva' just kept crashing every time i tried it. not sure why - tried it on 2 computers aswell.

i gave total video converter another go messing about with the formats, and managed to get sound, problem was the sound was at squeeky fast double speed ;fire

15th February 2006, 22:46
That last link I posted did say you might have problems with sound because of obscure codecs - it suggests recording the original sound and then remixing that into the converted video.

Not sure why Riva Encoder would crash but a likely culprit would be insufficient HD size, not enough physical memory, or else you haven't allocated enough virtual memory. The latter can be adjusted in Control Panel, System, Advanced, Performance Settings, Advanced, Virtual Memory. Set this to the maximum allowed but remember a good rule of thumb is that each second of video is going to need about 10 megabytes of HD space depending on the bitrate and compression. This page shows you how to calculate how much you need http://neuron2.net/LVG/ratesandsizes.html

The other two options (increasing HD size and memory) require money.

It might also be that the Google .FLV files were created in Flash 8 which isn't yet supported by Riva - wait for the next update.