View Full Version : Changing post title

17th February 2006, 00:16
I sometimes make mistakes in the title of my post and would like to know if there is any way of rectifying them.

17th February 2006, 00:21

17th February 2006, 01:08
Ask a mod to change it! :doh

17th February 2006, 10:03
I wouldn't worry, Vegy is over 12,000 posts and hasn't got one right yet :D

17th February 2006, 10:35
I sometimes make mistakes in the title of my post and would like to know if there is any way of rectifying them.Click the Edit button at the bottom of the first post in the thread and then hit Go Advanced. That should let you change the thread title as well as the contents of the post.

Or ask a mod to do it if you can't :)