View Full Version : How to Win @ the Horses!

19th February 2006, 19:00
Ok, might seem like a daft question, but I usually follow stats, hope that they will change very little from year to year and show a small to medium profit over the course of a year. The thing is Stats are proving to bad to follow at the moment, at least when I give out my selection's using them.....they always come 2nd.

Am I just unlucky or are stats crap at the moment?


19th February 2006, 19:45
The biggest problem IMHO at the moment is the going. One laying system that I follow which as a S/R of 87% over the last two years, performed really baddly the last two days (s/r approx 55%).::swear

My think it is best just to slow things down at this time of the year.

You're not alone.

19th February 2006, 19:55
Try to avoid ANY going that does not fall between Goood to Firm and Soft - this might limit the amount of races available at this time of year, but your stats should hold up better.

19th February 2006, 20:00
Or just don't back a horse if it's not proven on the soft. Simple as. Systems me ****.

19th February 2006, 20:11
Systems me ****.

Is that some sort of gay Irish sexual invitation? :yikes:

19th February 2006, 20:17
It could be :wink

19th February 2006, 20:30
How to Win @ the Horses!
Simple.....find out what Vegy's lays are, and back them :D

20th February 2006, 13:45
Lol thanks guys. Some useful info too.


25th November 2006, 00:02
For the benefit of layers (and, of course, backers) I read only yesterday that a higher percentage of favourites fail on heavy going. Might be worth bearing in mind.

25th November 2006, 09:10
The attachment is the stats for all fav's on the NH for the last 15 years - by going.

If stats have a way of evening out over time I ought to go thru the card today - had a nightmare of a week :(

25th November 2006, 09:42
So have I Vic, all my bigs bets finishing mostly 2nd. It does turn though, and besides, I've had a hell of a run on the NH over the last few months, so I couldn't care less about a downturn for a week or two.

25th November 2006, 10:13
I have to say the last few months have been a bit in the "to good to be true" bracket, and even after the last week I'm still in profit for Nov - but to put it into "old money terms", it would have taken me 2 months to earn what I've lost in the past 7 days :laugh

25th November 2006, 10:19
If going by my first ever job in 1984, it would have taken me 2 years :yikes: