View Full Version : 3 wishes

20th February 2006, 20:24
A man goes in a pub and orders a pint. Looks down the bar and sees a bloke with rippling muscles, but a tiny head. So after a few pints he gets talking to the bloke. So he says to the bloke "I can't help wondering mate how you've got a perfect body but a small head". So the bloke decides to tell him why. He says "I was on a cruise and the ship went down. I swam and swam and eventually I got to shore and found myself on a desert island. I was lying on the sand looking into the water when I saw a mermaid. She spoke to me and said she had magical powers and that she would grant me 3 wishes. Wish no.1 was easy and I wished that I would be rescued. No sooner had I said it, a ship appeared. So she said I'd better use my other wishes before I get rescued. So wish no.2 I wished I had a body like Arnold Swartze*****, so she gave me this body. I noticed how beautiful the mermaid was so I said, for my 3rd wish I'd like to make love to you, but she replied that her being a mermaid it would be impossible. So I said "alright then, how about a little head"