View Full Version : No right-click

13th March 2006, 22:59
Simple enough problem - I can right-click as normal everywhere else except within the Start Menu. No idea why, although recently installing new software has made me unable to 'Sort By Name' the programs!

Any help appreciated muchly.


13th March 2006, 23:03
you haven't been slicing carrots have you just in case have a look just to make sure your big finger is still where it should be

13th March 2006, 23:05

13th March 2006, 23:16
Very good silax :) :)

13th March 2006, 23:18
just turn your mouse around 180 degrees and there you have it... instant right click :D

Sorry mate, wish I could be more helpful ! :)

13th March 2006, 23:44
Try this - right-click Taskbar, go to Properties, click Start Menu tab, choose Customize, click Advanced tab and enable Enable Dragging and Dropping

Hope it works :)

14th March 2006, 01:09
You humourous people you... :D

Thanks Scaaty, that's worked a treat. :wink

14th March 2006, 01:36
Glad it worked :)
One of those lucky coincidences, I read the solution on a PC help message board earlier today when I was looking for something else. No idea why it happened in the first place though!

14th March 2006, 10:21
Glad it worked :)
One of those lucky coincidences, I read the solution on a PC help message board earlier today when I was looking for something else. No idea why it happened in the first place though!
TRAITOR :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:

14th March 2006, 11:15
I hate those bloody PC message boards...

Full of loony lefties! ;fire

14th March 2006, 23:29
TRAITOR :yikes: :yikes: :yikes:

But Keith if I didn''t read other boards I wouldn't know how wonderful this one is in comparison ! :rolleyes:

15th March 2006, 09:41

VEGY!!!! You can put the toothpicks away :D

17th March 2006, 00:19
Use Firefox; never had any problems with that; IE seems to require these plug-ins, did a search for you John but reaped little reward!! i think Microsoft have a download on their site for the missing files though

17th March 2006, 09:40
I prefer Opera.....I like the magic wand for passwords as I'm a lazy git :D