View Full Version : More info ' Problem with starting win xp '11th March 2006

20th March 2006, 21:17
:wiggle: More info as requested. Yes they are on different partitions on one harddrive. Win98 installed before Winxp. I should explain better. The partitions were done for me by a friend who has done this before with no problems, he is a teacher and has built several computers so is competent.
I have 7 to 8 gig for win98 and the rest for xp.
Win98 is FAT32 and Winxp is NTFS. I have gone into ' services ' as you suggested, done a print out before setting them to start manually two at a time then returning them to automatic before moving down the complete list, the problem still exists. The problem occured before adding software or hardware. When the system boots up I am presented with a choice of 98 or xp, trying to start either straight away doesn' t work. I delayed the start of choice in 1 minute increments and on reaching a 10 minute delay then choosing either, everything works ok!
I have fitted a new harddrive, still have a problem. I have done a virus check, all ok. I ran a memory test overnight, 20 passes made, no errors.
In brief, if my computer has a 10 minute warm up........all is well.
Does it look like a hardware problem? Motherboard component, Power supply maybe?
Thanks everyone for your help. Can you offer any more please?

20th March 2006, 21:33
If you have installed a different hard drive, chances are that it is a hardware fault - but I've never come across one that will only boot after 10 minutes! I've had a few that stop working after 10 mins through heat problems, but this is a new one on me - I'll see if I can find anything.

20th March 2006, 21:34
When you put in the other harddrive, did you just do a full diskcopy? or was it a clean install?