View Full Version : Comical 'system'

2nd April 2006, 12:07
I did something lavish yesterday. With my brain buzzing from all the gambling research I have been doing I bought a gambling system from Ebay to see what was out there at this time. And this one is truly hilarious :laugh

The 'system' revolves around the fact that 888.net lets new players win their first hand at blackjack as a way of convincing them they have the talent to make big money playing the game. They expect players to start with small bets and can afford the losses that these guaranteed winners get on their first hand because the casino will make it all back and then some later. So the key to this system is make a big first bet and make maximum profit!

The idea seems to be that no more than once every 24 hours you go in and play a single hand of blackjack to high stakes (alternating between the instant play and the download casino), take the money off the table and then go to roulette and lose at least $15 so the casino thinks you are a losing player again. Then log out and repeat 24 hours later. If you don't lose at roulette the casino won't reset your status to that of losing/new player and won't give you the great first hand on your next blackjack session.

I don't mind betting systems that have some basis in logic and mathematics but this is pure comedy gold.

It just goes to show with things like this that you really do get what you pay for - and this was the best laugh I had had for ages and it cost me 1p

2nd April 2006, 12:18
So, who is actually selling that system.... someone at 888.net maybe? :yikes:

2nd April 2006, 12:28
I know, fantastic isn't it?

Apparently it has only been proved to work at that one casino too and you attempt it elsewhere at your own risk.

I do like the way it includes reassuring phrases such as "if everything has gone to plan" :rolleyes:

2nd April 2006, 12:43
I bet it contains the affiliate link to 888.net, and may be in breach of there T&C

2nd April 2006, 13:39
how about this roulette "system", pick any number at random except 0, this is your chosen number, then pick 5 more numbers at random including 0, you then stake 1pt on your 5 numbers and 4pts on your chosen number you then do all your chosen numbers atributes at 4pts, i.e. if your number is 8 you back black, even, middle column, top 1/3, top 1/2. if your chosen number doesnt come in you add 1pt to stake after every 5 spins until your stake on chosen number reaches 10 pts. thats it apperently its a mathamatical certainty you will win:doh this was being sold on ebay about a year ago a mate of mine sent it to me as a laugh so i went on hills play casino and tried it turned 5,00 into 17,000 in 45 mins:yikes: next 3 times i tried it broke the bank every time:D

2nd April 2006, 13:43
There is only one certainty in roulette - the house edge will beat you in the end

2nd April 2006, 13:43
I use a dartboard for my roulette numbers :doh