View Full Version : need a little help from my friends

11th April 2006, 22:05
:D the pc is at it again. i just ran adaware an it tells me ive 31 new critcal objects. 9 registry keys identified/ 7 registry values and 15 files it also makes a kind of farting noise after performing scan lol. scan summary

180soloutions(tac index:6 }:2 total reference
mru list 0 6 total reference
tracking cookie 3 11
win 32 trojan downloader 10 15 total reference
zango 6 3 total reference

The tracking cookies im not to worried about just annoying but the trojan could be dangerous they all register low relevance in scan but how after i clear these do i prevent them from happening again.

hope i can get help guys thanks.

11th April 2006, 22:27
Just run the fix in Adaware, and forget they ever existed as they then wouldn't!!!

11th April 2006, 22:42
yes but they keep comeing back

11th April 2006, 22:43
yes but they keep comeing back

Have you ticked all the boxes before doing the fix?

11th April 2006, 22:45

11th April 2006, 22:54
Some come back as soon as you visit a web page, RP puts tracking stuff on your computer.