View Full Version : "Last post" listings

9th May 2006, 13:04
Twice in two days an old thread (a different one on each occasion) has been brought back to the top apparently by me - I say "by me" since my name appears under the "last post" column with the time elapsed since my apparent contribution. No new post appears, it's just that the "last post" column suggests that I have made one.

In both cases I hadn't been logged in at the times stated - ie not even at the PC, let alone logged in to W2W.

Is this something going awry with the W2W server or do I need to check my own PC for viruses/spyware (I believe the machine's fairly well protected and I do run regular scans). The concern is that some rogue outside source is accessing my W2W account (and **** knows what else :yikes: ) without my knowledge.

9th May 2006, 13:06
I bet they are poll threads - in which case someone has voted but not posted in the thread so the last updated time of the thread is reset and hence it appears as unread, even though nothing new has been posted

9th May 2006, 18:55
Yes, you're right Mat.

But I don't recall asking for a lecture. Please keep your opinions to yourself.


9th May 2006, 19:15
But I don't recall asking for a lecture. Please keep your opinions to yourself.Sorry Gaz, I can't help it, I'm ::swear ::swear ::swear ::swear ::swear ::swear ::swear rude