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22nd May 2006, 23:00
Is there a way to get a spreadsheet to default to delimiting pasted text into seperate columns?

It's annoying having to keep changing the settings very time :rolleyes:

22nd May 2006, 23:38
Are you using Excel 2003? When you copy data over you need to make sure you have the Show Paste Options buttons (Tools, Options, Edit menu).

Then, when you've pasted your data, click on the button and get the choice whether to retain the original formatting (useful if you've simply copied data from a Word table for instance) or to use Match Destination Formatting.

If you import your data as text using Paste Special, you can click on the button and it allows you to choose the Text Import Wizard - within that wizard you can decide if your text is delimited with a certain character or not.


23rd May 2006, 00:09
Glos is there anything in the world of computers that you're actually unfamiliar with? (Serious question!)

I'm assuming you have done some sort of IT-related qualification(s) in your life and built up your knowledge extensively through that...

23rd May 2006, 00:25
Glos is there anything in the world of computers that you're actually unfamiliar with? (Serious question!)

I'm assuming you have done some sort of IT-related qualification(s) in your life and built up your knowledge extensively through that...

Errrrrrrrrr.....no....and no :D

It's all self-taught...started with an IBM PC in 1980 (the boss decided that, as I was the youngest in the office, I'd be more likely to get to grips with this new-fangled technology) and went on from there. Of course, in those days we didn't have buttons to click so you had to make sure that any data was properly delimited before you tried to import it into Supercalc. So it meant constantly importing/exporting data as CSV files from Wordstar to Supercalc and back again until it was just right. That's why I still get annoyed when I see people typing names and addresses into Excel or Word as:
Vegyjones, 14 Oil Drum Lane Stratford, London
instead of:
Jones, Vegy, 14, Oil Drum Lane, Stratford, London

As a consequence, I can rattle off formulas to extract and manipulate text using LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND, REPLACE etc in my sleep :D

And qualifications? Never taken any although I probably should do at some point. There was no such thing as IT lessons in my youth although I did have a bit of fun building a modem and connecting to a mainframe at Oxford Poly back in 1977, then waiting for the teleprinter to churn out page after page of fahrenheit to celsius conversions with the BASIC program I'd written :rolleyes:

23rd May 2006, 00:50
Most of what you've writen above is way over my head and yet it's older technology than what I'm currently used to. :laugh It would be a great idea to do some qualifications purely because of the broadness of what you know. I'm going to hit the hay now, all this old-fangled computer talk is beyond my intelligence. :D

23rd May 2006, 02:18
No wonder he's ahead of me, I started on a ZX80 :laugh