View Full Version : Stakes/Betting Banks...

28th May 2006, 10:37
The Baseball picks on Other Sports Section is coming along quite nicely , £270.31 in profit , strike rate up around 80%...However , I tend to wager the games as I see them....would it be more beneficial to use a Staking Plan..if so , how much of the bank..original , or what it stands at now , do you suggest per bet....I tend to pick one selection per day..

Suggestions/Commeents please .

Thanks .

28th May 2006, 19:16
I would have said 3% of your bank is a good figure for starters. I use 2% on backing banks but im careful anyway and my strike rates are nowhere near that high. I would not judge your strikerate anyhow until you have had at least 100 bets when it comes to selecting a staking method but if after a 100 bets it was still up anywhere near that high then it is safe to say you could maybe make the percentage a bit bigger. I would be wary of going any higher than 5% though.

28th May 2006, 19:19
Also if the strike rate was that high after a 100 bets or so you could consider a stepping plan but that would only be advisable as a short term measure to boost a small bank you are prepared to lose. If you are betting signifigant amount of money you cant beat a low percentage level stake risk.

28th May 2006, 19:36
I would have said 3% of your bank is a good figure for starters. I use 2% on backing banks but im careful anyway and my strike rates are nowhere near that high. I would not judge your strikerate anyhow until you have had at least 100 bets when it comes to selecting a staking method but if after a 100 bets it was still up anywhere near that high then it is safe to say you could maybe make the percentage a bit bigger. I would be wary of going any higher than 5% though.

Thanks for the input TH.

Can I just ask , when you say 3% of the bank , does that mean 3% of the £500 starting bank ...ie £15 per bet , or 3% as the bank grows ?

Street cry
28th May 2006, 20:12
I would rachet it so you re adjust the amount in real terms after every highpoint . With your sr i would rachet at 30% so you increase but never decrease ie you have a £500 bank and a stake £15 if you lose a couple you remain staking £15 but as you grow the amount is adjusted daily so when you are at a grand you are staking £30.

28th May 2006, 20:42
I would rachet it so you re adjust the amount in real terms after every highpoint . With your sr i would rachet at 30% so you increase but never decrease ie you have a £500 bank and a stake £15 if you lose a couple you remain staking £15 but as you grow the amount is adjusted daily so when you are at a grand you are staking £30.

Thanks for the suggestion...

28th May 2006, 21:03
Just to confuse you further Larsson, another suggestion would be to decrease the overall % of your bank you bet at certain points - so 3% at £500, 2.8% at £1000, 2.5% at £1500 and so on as an example. That builds in more safety as the bank builds up, though if you can keep up the impressive SR you've got so far that shouldn't be too much of a worry! :)

28th May 2006, 21:11
Just to confuse you further Larsson, another suggestion would be to decrease the overall % of your bank you bet at certain points - so 3% at £500, 2.8% at £1000, 2.5% at £1500 and so on as an example. That builds in more safety as the bank builds up, though if you can keep up the impressive SR you've got so far that shouldn't be too much of a worry! :)

Cheers C...starting bank was £500..after tonights win ( although the NY Yankees almost blew a 6 - 0 lead ) is just shy of £800...I will consider all of the suggestions and try to come up with a staking plan...