View Full Version : Favourites icons.

26th June 2006, 19:02
In my favourites, the icons have disappeared. (eg. the win2win one had a horse, and vodafone had a little vodafone symbol etc.)

I tried holding the mouse over the address bar until I get the arrow thing and refreshing it (which normally works) but to no avail. Why would my pc have stopped saving the icons?

26th June 2006, 19:37
One of the joys of IE. The favourite icons (favicons) are stored in your temporary internet files folder. As this folder gets emptied, your icons get cleared out too.

The only solution is to save them into a non-temporary folder but it's a bit long-winded:
1. Open up your temporary internet files folder and look for any .ico files (Tools, Internet Options, Settings, View Files)
2. Copy these into a non-temporary directory
3. Unfortunately you will also have to rename them because Windows doesn't like multiple files with the same name in the same directory. So rename them to favicon1.ico, favicon2.ico etc
4. Now highlight the website entry in your Favourites list, right-click and choose Properties, and select the Change Icon button. Navigate to the non-temporary directory the icons are now stored in, and click OK.
5. Do this for every site you want to save the icon for.

26th June 2006, 19:47
Maybe Vista will fix these niggling problems....then again....maybe not :rolleyes:

26th June 2006, 21:31

26th June 2006, 21:41
Don't mention it :) :doh

27th June 2006, 00:50
Maybe it will Keith...

...although, I have decided... to buy an iMac this summer. Yes, I'm getting an iMac and I can't wait!!!!! :)

So much better/nicer to use than PC/Windows.

27th June 2006, 02:00
So much less available but more expensive software too :)

27th June 2006, 08:33
Now, now Glos, don't ruin his dreams.....especially as you can now run Windows on them :) Which begs the question, why pay more for an underpowered system? Which has just as many security holes in it as Windows. http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/05/01/sans/index.php

1st July 2006, 19:59
After using a Mac for a year you'd see the difference. Every designer should have a Mac, and I can't wait to lay my hands on mine. :) There may be less software available, but everything I need is available for the Mac anyway. And besides, not all of us pay for the software. :wink