View Full Version : NTL Broadband

11th July 2006, 17:48
Hi guys,

As briefly touched upon in another thread, my NTL broadband at home has gone to pot.

Yesterday it was working for short periods up to about 10 minutes after my PC booted up, and then ground to a half until I booted up again, and also reset the modem (by taking out the power cable and plugging it back in 60 seconds later).

Today, I boot up the PC, browser just hangs, with the loading bar just creeping and getting nowhere.

So I thought, well, I'll reinstall the broadband with the disk. So I did, but the computer still can't find the internet. Or rather, the USB light on the modem turns on just after powering up the modem, and then switches off after a few seconds.

I've had internet problems before but have always been able to rectify them through reinstalling the modem drivers and broadband from the disk. This time I feel I've got a slightly more serious problem on my hands.

The PC I am trying to install it on is my home PC, the one my parents use, it runs Windows 98 First Edition I'm afraid.

I tried rigging up my PC (Windows XP Professional) and installing it on there, but I just get an error message shortly after inserting the installation disk, at the stage where the NTL software tries backing up a folder on C:/. I can't quite remember what the error message is but it's something along the lines of "VT-Truck" or "VT-Bug" or something. "This program has to close."

My last call on this is to have a play with the Wireless Network kit my dad bought ages ago (works only with Windows 2000 or XP). So when I get home I'll try this out on my PC, although if the modem is actually broken it won't make any difference. I don't think the modem is broken but I'm not confident of setting up a wireless network to a modem that's not working (or maybe it's something on my PC that's broken).

I would try using an Ethernet connection rather than a USB one, but the NTL socket in the wall is in another room, so it would mean buying an Ethernet extension cable (unless a long one comes with the Wireless Network which I doubt (I know a short one does)).

I'm at my mate's house typing this so will probably get chance to look again tomorrow, or if not Thursday, when I come back to his house.

It's so strange being internet-less at home. There's nothing to do!

Thanks for reading this... any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

11th July 2006, 17:52
John - Which NTL modem do you have?

I had a very similar problem a few months ago as the modem was a 5-6 year old model - they came out next day with a new modem and have been flying ever since :D

Is the modem a Tall black thingy? or is it a flat Blue small thingy? (The black ones are the old ones)

11th July 2006, 17:55
It's the grey, standard one Mark, the NTL Home 120 I think it is called.

Just a little grey box...

Here's a picture of it:


11th July 2006, 17:58
Just out of interest Mark... when is the next deadline for Racing Sim instructions... Week 4? I know you said you had to push it back a week but I don't want to miss it, even if I do have a while! Thanks.

11th July 2006, 17:59
will post the deadline as soon as I've managed to complete the update John. I'm in the office tomorrow, so it should be sorted then.

11th July 2006, 22:28
BT have got my business line working....YIPPEE :happyboun ...only took them 2 months 5 days :splapme

Now I have to wait another week for the broadband :doh

12th July 2006, 16:55
Touch wood - I am back online.

Called NTL technical support earlier.

Spoke to an Indian guy, I thought, hey up, here we go, I won't be able to understand him or do what he says!

My USB connections turned out to all be hunky-dory.

I had to unscrew the coaxial cable from the modem, and power cable, leave my PC off for 2 hours (that was tricky) and then rig up everything again, change the network adapter from PPP to my actual modem and "release all" and bingo it works. :)

12th July 2006, 17:03
Read your PM's then mister :D

12th July 2006, 17:15
Thank you - I have read it already though! I'm just waiting on a reply from my housemate before getting back to you on it. :)