View Full Version : Problem with pc

3rd August 2006, 23:16
I've got a problem.

I can not see the video's on youtube.
www.youtube.com (http://www.youtube.com).

I used to be able to until the weekend.
I now get this message -

Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Click here (http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer/) to get the latest flash player.

I have done as it says and clicked here about 6 times, each time it says it has downloaded but I can still not watch the videos.
I am not aware of a problem watching any other videos I can see those on myspace, but I think most I watch use media player or real player and those work ok.

I could delete adobe or adobe flash player or whatever incase it is corrupted or something but I don't know what to delete.
If I search on my pc for adobe I have loads of things.
If I deleted everything to do with adobe what would I need to get back and where would I get it from?

3rd August 2006, 23:36
try this one http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
never had a problem with it.

4th August 2006, 00:58
I've downloaded that Presto but it hasn't solved the problem

4th August 2006, 09:31
Go into Control Panel>Add/Remove and remove anything relating to Java.....Reboot.....then use Presto's link.

4th August 2006, 13:53
It shouldn't be a problem with Flash but you can check this.

In IE, go to Tools, Manage Add-ons. Select the Shockwave Flash Object. Make sure that it's enabled at the bottom of the window and click the Update ActiveX button. After a couple of minutes it will ask if you wish to install the latest version...select yes. This version should be Flash9.ocx (scroll across the Manage Add-on window to see what version you have).

4th August 2006, 15:01
Glos you're a star, thankyou so much.

I did what Presto said and nothing.
I then did what Keith said and nothing.
I then went to Adobe and downloaded a bunch of stuff from there but nothing.

I came back on here did what Glos said and it worked.:happyboun

I've no idea what the problem was still I just pressed the buttons but thankyou

4th August 2006, 15:07
Never mind what Glos says....you need to reformat Vegy's drive...that'll make you feel much better :D

5th August 2006, 00:52
No problem Sam...glad it's all sorted for you.