View Full Version : http: or https:

26th August 2006, 22:17
I have not been able to get on the internet hardly at all today. I have been able to send and receive emails ok. the only web pages I have been able to access are my bank's page and other billl services. I couldn't even get into w2w main page or forum.
I notice that all the ones I got in are secure sites with https and not http. what settings can I check to help me maintain normal service.
many thanks in anticipation.

26th August 2006, 22:41
Hope someone else will see this and help you more than I can Jayne ...

Have you tried going to Internet Options, General, Delete Cookies, Delete Files, Clear History, then close down and start up again? This is usually the first thing anyone tells you to do when you ring them up and it sometimes works. :)

26th August 2006, 22:51
Have you tried Opera

26th August 2006, 23:34
Have you tried Opera

yeah but I can't sing in Italian :)

27th August 2006, 01:09
It's almost certainly a problem with your ISP given that so many sites are affected. Try a tracert (Start, Run, at the prompt enter tracert address, e.g. tracert www.win2win.co.uk (http://www.win2win.co.uk) )to a http site to see if you can narrow down where the stoppage is. You can also try using a proxy Tools, Internet Options, Connections, (select your connection), Settings, Tick proxy serve, enter proxy address on port 8080 unless advised otherwise. A search on google should give you loads to choose from.

Alternatively go online again in 24 hrs or so to see if your ISP has resolved the problem and got everything working again. And if any ISP advises me to delete my history (assuming I ever have to ring them in the first place) I will tear them a new orifice in the nether regions - that kind of answer is a cop-out from an IT help-desk operator that invariably doesn't have a clue.

27th August 2006, 06:29
thanks for the help so far. no change so far. I will try the proxy server later.
thanks again.

27th August 2006, 23:03
Sorted now -
many thanks

27th August 2006, 23:49
Good stuff