View Full Version : confused!

1st September 2006, 18:29
Hi all again!

Little bit confused as to how to go about trying to win around £40 per day. All it is, I'm a driving instructor looking at ways to reduce my hours so I can spend more time with my daughter. I'm looking to reduce my work load by a couple of hours per day so that works out at £40. I posted earlier regarding IPI racing and have been put off by some of your comments and also there is a vast amount of info on this web site.

I actually joined last month and was laying bets as well as backing horses but I just seemed to break even all the time, so what I'm confused about is which systems to use and how to go about using them and how to work out a steaking plan to try and gain £40 per day with minimul risks.

I must admit, I do like laying bets but the loosing lays seem to cancel out all the winning lays.

I know you probably cant help, but its worth a go,



1st September 2006, 18:42
short answer - you can't

long answer - setting target's like £40 a day simply don't work.
you could use a 'loss chasing' system - i,e, back the first fav to win £40 - if it wins you get your £40 if it loses keep increasing stakes untill you get the £40 and recover your losses. however this is a totally suicidal system and at somepoint you will lose everything. i think everyone on this site (and infact everyone who knows a bit about betting will say) will say avoid this like the plague.

if you are breaking even you are probably better than 90% of betters out there, - so stick with it. also the more you bet the lower your commish which will help.

the pro's don't care about daily results, long term is the only thing they think about, and with experience you can improve your betting.

if you adverage out yearly profit's per day - you would need £14.6K a year to hit the £40 a day mark - something 99.71% of gamblers fail to acheive. so for someone just starting out this is a pretty high target to meet.

my advice would be to just start out small and let the banks 'organically' grow - this builds up the banks and your experience. gambling is a long term thing, not a get rich quick scheme.

1st September 2006, 20:09

I used to do the cash master system and made 2k in one week then another £1800 the week after. But then I hit a losing run and bottled it which ended up in me losing £2k. (I was doing it for a good few months but then got greedy) So I made my profit lower to £5.00 per round. Hit a losing run AGAIN and bottled it and lost more than I did before. I had many sleepless night over it and ::swear::swear::swear::swear it as I had lost so much and was worried I was going to lose it all.

So I stopped and took stock of it all! I am now doing a safer system which I am making £60 per day on, so it is possible, obviously there is a risk to it like all gambling. Its a loss recovery sysyem but with added protection. I aim for £20.00 per round. Each round I try to win £20 if it loses then I put down what my stake was and still aim for the £20 forgetting the last stake I lost. Then if the next one loses I write the stake down again and so on until I get a winner. Then once I get a winner I have won my £20 and I will add 3 previous stakes together and aim for that in the next round if I get a winner I add any previous stakes together but no more than 3 until I finish the round. I am also placing all the favs providing the odds are not too low. So maximising my chances of winning-also sometimes I add any tips which I get.

This system is working for me and has been for over a month now hopefully it will continue to do so. My longest losing run was 5. Yesterday was fantastic I got 5 winners in a row if I'd have gone for £20 per round then I would have made £100 but the odds were too low so I went for £10.00 in 4 rounds and £20 in one round making £60.00.

So I do think that they do work -lets hope I don't jinx myself lol


1st September 2006, 20:24
So I do think that they do work -lets hope I don't jinx myself lol

Statistically the vast majority will fail, especially if the selections you use are not profitable at levels. You also need to know SR, average odds, RO%, etc before you even consider working out any possible steps.

1st September 2006, 20:36
I make sure my stake is put on to win £20 per round. Odds which are at say 1.35 I miss as I would have to put a very high stake on to win £20. Anything like 1.5 or above is ok. Im also placing them all so getting a higher SR than the usual 35% or 32% for favs winning.

Obviously I know its a risk but Im doing alot to minimise my risk. We'll see how it goes but for now Im happy with the way things are going and my SR, ROI etc


1st September 2006, 20:37
Saying all that Ive got about 6 other systems on the go (these are not loss recovery lol) too which is nice now as Im not like before putting all my eggs in one basket!


basil fawlty
22nd September 2006, 09:21
Saying all that Ive got about 6 other systems on the go (these are not loss recovery lol) too which is nice now as Im not like before putting all my eggs in one basket!


are you betting on favs emma?

22nd September 2006, 11:02

For the loss recovery Im betting on Favs yes!

The other systems are tips and systems which I have bought.


22nd September 2006, 13:16
The System Banker thingy that Keith is doing for members looks a possible option to me although to get an average of £40 a day from that I reckon you would need a bank of between £5,000 and £10,000 and you still might possibly lose it. Unless you have pots of cash this would be putting all your eggs in one basket .. not usually a good idea.

Betting on ALL favs is famous for causing disaster with loss recovery systems - but maybe you have a way of weeding them out so that you get selections that would make a small profit to level stakes, then you have a chance. Otherwise you will gradually start to be unable to recover all the stakes that you have lost, without your stakes getting so high that you cannot continue ... unless you just do it for a short time, in which case you might get out before that happens. I am not the best mathematician but I think this is a mathematical certainty in the long term. :(